
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Indie Birth podcast on my breech research and my birth stories

I recently did a podcast with Maryn Green of Indie Birth: Restoring women's choice for vaginal breech birth: My chat with researcher Dr. Rixa Freeze.

In the first half, I talk about all of the breech-related research projects I'm working on. And then I tell my four birth stories. Come listen!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

We need your letters to support vaginal breech birth!

Dr. Annette Fineberg, an OB at Sutter Davis Hospital, has requested letters of support from women who have had breech babies. She is experienced in vaginal breech birth but has encountered significant roadblocks from her hospital. She has also been unable to get privileges at a nearby tertiary hospital to do breeches there.

Please write letters of support for keeping the option of vaginal breech birth available! More details below from the OB:
I need to ask a favor from anyone who

1) had a vaginal breech birth in the hospital,
2) had one at home because that was your only option, or
3) was pressured into a cesarean because it was not an option due to hospital policy or lack of experience of attendant

I am getting a lot of pressure to stop attending breech and despite my best efforts to get privileges at a tertiary care hospital with neonatology, it is not happening.

Please send your impassioned pleas and experiences to:

Sutter Davis Hospital Birth Center
2000 Sutter Pl
Davis CA 95616 
[And please also send me a copy of your letter so I can forward it on to the OB!]