
Monday, January 28, 2008

Ahhh, the joys of co-sleeping

Yeah, we often look like this at night. Notice her feet are right where my head usually is. So much fun.


  1. Hmm, I must admit that this is why our co-sleeping experiences tend to be short. I think the longest we've gone was 4 months, and that was even in a queen-size bed. We'll see what happens now that we have a king.

    BTW, that picture of Zari is gorgeous. I hope if I get a girl she'll be beautiful, too.

  2. This is just like our bed. My daughter kicks my husband and drills her head into my side. sigh. good times.

  3. right now. during pregnancy, i turn my back to my son at night when we first lay down. he does this comfort thing of having to need our bodies with his pointy little feet. so i get a free back rub from him! it feels great.

    btw he looks exactly like this in our bed right now! except put in a toy dog under his back and it'd be complete. haha

  4. mommymichael my kids have all done the free back rub too, ha!

    I read a description of cosleeping with a toddler as "a foot in my face, a fist in my hair"

    (I have two queens pushed together and at least four kids in bed with me every night)

  5. LOL about the sleeping picture...but OMG, Zari looks so gorgeous and *sob* so BIG in that 2nd picture! Wow...

  6. Umm, did you sneak into my house and take picture? Oh no, wait, there would also be an almost-4-year-old-still-nursing person crammed in there too if that were my house...
    Yes, very sweet pic of Zari also!

  7. it does look joyful!

    right now my dh and i have 2 beds in one room, where he cosleeps the older two most of the night and then i cosleep with our 1yr old and my 3 year old often comes to my bed. when baby #4 comes, i will have the two youngest mostly.

    i love cosleeping and wouldnt trade it for anything. the kids are so calm, so unafraid and secure.

    i cant believe how grown up Zari look!


  8. Love the picture of Zari! We look like that at night too. I think my nose is constantly bruised from taking hits from Rosie's feet while I'm comfortably sleeping. Talk about a rude awakening. We are squished in our king sized bed! I can't imagine what it will be like when we have another baby too.

  9. All you guys above: you are heroes. I'm with Kelley. This way I can at least get some sleep whenever my baby HAPPENS to be asleep in the crib, a respectful two feet away. We do all share a room, just not beds. BTW my 5 yo is absolutely positively convinced that he never falls asleep at night, he's just being quiet like we ask him to, so as not to wake the others, LOL!! When I try to tell him I heard him snore, he gives me this pitiful look like 'Poor dumb mom, she was fooled again... she just doesn't get it! I. DO. NOT. SLEEP.'

  10. The sideways sleeping isn't everyday--mostly when she's teething or congested, because it makes her more restless. She starts out in her crib by our bed and usually comes in once she wakes up. I wouldn't mind putting her back in the crib more, but it often wakes her up when I transfer her into the crib (and then we have to start the whole getting her back to sleep thing all over again)--so for now I usually keep her in bed.

  11. oh this looks how our bed looked a few weeks ago! around 18 weeks pregnant, I had to kick my 2 year-old out our bed. luckily, he was fine with it. I just got tired of being kicked in the face/chest all the time!

  12. Look at that angel face! :-D

    We're getting ready to side car Isabella on for this VERY reason! ;)

  13. What an angelic face!! Zari is so gorgeous! I have to say... my boys are 4-1/2 and 6 and we are STILL cosleeping. Some nights they go to sleep in their own beds, but most of the time they sleep in ours. It's okay... we secretly like it and are cherishing these moments because someday they'll go to college and we won't get to cosleep anymore! ;-)

  14. I loved co-sleeping, and always do with my babies...until about 10 months old. For some reason, this was the *magic* age that all four of them decided crawling AWAY was fun. As in, off the bed, out the door, off to eat drano or whatnot.

    We tried locking the door, removing all the dangerous stuff in the room, and then it was just alot of stabbing me and hubby up the nose, smakcing our faces saying DADA? MAMA? DADAAAAAAAAA? MAMAMAMAMA?????

    I didnt get it. So off to the cribby-land they went. I mostly put them to bed in the crib and then when they woke up in the night, Id keep them with me for the remainder unless they got too hyjinxy then they'd have to go bye bye again.

    I always wanted to ask people about co-sleeping into toddlerhood and beyond but never got a chance. I would like to know how it all works for them. I bet for every family (and certainly for every temperament of child!) it is different. I am looking forward to this again with the new baby :)Sweet little Zari.

  15. HAHA! Why do they always do that? J always winds up perpendicular to me too, only now he is so big that his feet ALWAYS wind up digging into my scar. OUCH! Still wouldn't trade it for the world. ;)

  16. this looks so familiar!

    and oh my goodness, what a cutiepie she is! :)

  17. Zari is so beautiful! Her hair is getting so long now.
