
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Support Waterbirth International

Passing along a message I received from Barbara Harper of Waterbirth International:

Waterbirth International needs your help!!

For twenty plus years WBI and Barbara Harper have been guiding mothers and their providers, providing education and birth pools all over the world. Waterbirth International is facing the very difficult truth that the Gentle Birth World Congress--a fabulous success in every way for international and local attendees--drained all of our resources. We may have to close the doors permanently by January 31st. We need to raise $200,000 in donations to cover the debts from the Congress.

With such a large sum to raise, we need each of you to support this cause. When you support waterbirth, you are making a statement that you want and need options, choices and more control.

Can you help us stay open to take the next phone call?
- to convince the an obstetrician to incorporate waterbirth into his/her practice.
- to work with the nurse midwives to install pools in their facilities.
- to educate an entire hospital on the benefits of allowing women freedom of movement in the water.

We have freely given these services over the past 20 years. We want to continue to give them freely, but we need your help to keep the phones turned on and the volunteers working.

How much is it worth to see waterbirth become the norm in the US, like it is in the UK? I think we only need a few more years to make that happen.

Women really do want waterbirth to be an available choice in every hospital. They need choices now, more than ever.

If we need to call every single waterbirth parent personally, we will. We don't want 25 years of pioneering work to end and the vision of safe and beautiful waterbirth to go away. Please do the following:

~DONATE any amount you can
~Become a MEMBER of Waterbirth International
~Buy a birth pool for your local midwives
~Buy a birth pool for yourself
~Buy a birth video and donate it to your local library
~Spread the word around the world
~Post this message on other sites and blogs

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