
Monday, February 25, 2008

First word

It's official! Zari has said her first word: papa. Eric claims it's because she loves him best. I think it's because she is with me most of the day, and I talk to her a lot. In any case, it's pretty cute.

Of course, she has been communicating for a while now via sign language. Her current vocabulary consists of: nurse, water, food/eat, ball, bye & hello, dog, cat, fish, bird, potty, papa, shower, and shoes.


  1. dd1, faith, said mama quite late in her list o words. i think she took me for granted. she was right to, of course :-)

  2. Well needless to say Eric must be one proud Papa! Odd, that dads often get those laurels first... the other words will follow real soon! Does Zari use the sign for potty when she needs to use it? How reliably?

  3. I still have to initiate potty trips for the most part. But she is starting to sign "potty" first thing in the morning. I potty her once in the middle of the night, usually when I go to bed, and then she's almost always dry when she wakes up at 7. So that means she has a VERY full bladder!

  4. "dada" always seems to be my kids' first word. I get a little bugged, but oh well.

  5. My kids said Dada first...I think its harder to say M and thats all there is to it! good for Zari!
    She is so darling!

  6. how cute!
    and i love any girl who includes "shoes" as part of her early vocab! :)
