
Friday, March 28, 2008

I love Freecycle

It's a brilliant way to get rid of stuff. Even junk. Today, I got rid of:
  • 50 feet of green wire fencing and 8 fence posts
  • 17 marble tiles left over from tiling our master bathroom shower & tub in the house we lived in 3 years ago (pictures here--scroll down for the finished results)
  • wooden rocking horse
  • firewood from some small trees we cut down last summer
  • wood floorboards from our attic that had been ripped out by a previous owner
  • leftover OSB and lumber from building our garage
  • exersaucer with built-in toys
  • old but working vacuum cleaner
  • 25 empty egg cartons
  • 2 wooden curtain rods we found in our attic
More things I'd like to give away:
  • bread machine
  • random kitchen gadgets that I never use
I love that people come to my house and gratefully haul away my junk.


  1. Isn't it awesome?! I'm the Freecycle Mod for my town and my only disadvantage is that people think that MY house is where their supposed to drop their stuff off at! LOL No,no...that's not how it works,people!

    If I was near you,I'd take the bread machine. One just isn't enough in our house :P

  2. I was just going to write a blog post with the same title as yesterday I was the recipient of 36 AIO's and a big bag of baby clothes/bibs/items--Yay! I am grateful!

    I like all the emails I get from my group because I feel like shopping at a garage/yard sale

  3. Whoa, lizzardbits, your really scored!!! Good for you! It's time for us for a larger size of AIOS and I need a full stash's worth and it won't be cheap... in three years of freecycling I only saw one cloth diaper offer in our local list. Hm. I put in a wanted post for CD about a year ago and got no responses... :( But maybe I'll have more luck this time!

    Rixa, lemme guess why you're chucking your bread machine? Ever since I started baking the NYT no-knead bread, mine has been gathering dust too, LOL...

  4. I haven't used my bread machine for years, but the NYT no-knead bread sealed the deal. It's just too good! I just pulled some out of the oven about 5 minutes ago. Yummmmmm...
