
Friday, April 04, 2008

Fight the Frump!

Thanks to Jane at What About Mom for sending me this link about how to Fight the Frump--Nursing in Style.


  1. I LOVE her idea of using camisoles, not because my belly shows when I nurse, but because I like the idea of keeping all the "jiggilies" (her word) nicely squeezed in. Thanks for linking to her. I, too, would love to find a bra that works, doesn't make me feel like I should be able to tuck my chest into my pants, and still is reasonably priced. Any suggestions?

    Oh, and I love her idea of using the big purse instead of a diaper bag. I hate diaper bags, and I have my big, cute purse all ready to go. Besides, why pack more than the basics (a couple diapers, wipes, and burp cloth - my babies tend to be spitters) anyway? I used to bring everything but the kitchen sink, but NO MORE! Too many kids to chase these days. :)

  2. Happy you liked the idea! I love to know when I've made a new friend.
    ;), Alli
