
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Another controversial photo of public breastfeeding

And she's even nursing a different species...


  1. I'm concerned about the latch, but other than that, looks great.

    My girls have 'nursed' My Little Ponies and Barbies before. How's that for post-feminist bizarreness?

  2. Too cute! When my eldest was 3 and I was pregnant with my second, she announced to my dh while we were driving to church that she was feeding her kitten with milk from her breasts. We nearly had a wreck that day - lol!

  3. Awww. Morgan used to nurse her stuffed dragon. Terribly adorable.

  4. This is why in some ways I wish my girl wasn't last. My boys have seen me nurse, cloth diaper, birth at home, and all that, but my girl won't get that chance. They know what's normal because they've seen it. Hopefully she'll pick it up along the way. They'll certainly have stories to tell her as she gets older. :)

    Cute picture. Of course, any picture of Zari is cute. How could it not be given the subject matter?

  5. I look forward to those days. Cute!

  6. Kelley, my thoughts exactly (minus two boys LOL). We'll just have to show our girls a lot of beautiful pictures of their birth and early months/years.

  7. That is just adorable!!! What a great picture and so timely with all the breastfeeding photo controversy...

  8. What a great photo! I remember falling asleep nursing a baby doll when I was little. Her hair kept tickling my nose. lol

  9. Very cute. No question your grandkids are going to be breasfed!

  10. Hahahaha! I love it!

  11. oh cute to exist...let my daughter play dolls (sheep?) like that...

  12. My little boys nursed their dolls and stuffed animals too. :-)
    They're 14 and 11 now and would DIE if I told them that. I'll wait until their wives are nursing their babies, then I'll tell them.
    Adorable pic!
