
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Arrived, resting

We got off to a soggy start this morning. The Amtrak station and waiting area were submerged under several inches of water. We had to decide between waiting outside in the pouring rain or going inside the (underwater) waiting area. We chose the latter, parking all of our bags on the chairs and standing up on the seats until the train came. Zari enjoyed the train ride, although after the first two hours she started asking to "get off train" and "go to mama and papa's house." We made it to Chicago with only one brief crying episode (involving her wanting to bring her baby doll to the bathroom and I didn't know that at first). Our room wasn't ready when we arrived at the hotel, so we left our bags at the front desk and ate lunch.

Zari's napping now--thank goodness, because I really needed her to take a nap for my own sanity. She was totally wired and crazy from exhaustion. We're going to the Field Museum after she wakes up. It's a free day today--woohoo! Then we'll look for a good pizza place for dinner. There's a Giordano's only a few blocks away, so we might try that out.

1 comment:

  1. We've been to that same pizza place- yum! Enjoy your trip.
