
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Children's Museum

We met up yesterday with my mom, my sister and her family at a children's museum about an hour away. It's supposed to be one of the best and biggest in the country, and we weren't disappointed. If anything, it was a bit too overwhelming--all of the noise and the people and the sheer magnitude of things to do. We bought a year's membership, which will pay for itself after one more visit.

By the end of our visit, I was exhausted. We had been up quite late the night before because Zari wasn't feeling well. My midwife had a blessingway in the evening, and I had to cancel going. I was disappointed that I missed the festivities--including bellydancing lessons!--but I was wiped out.

Indoor sandbox
Dio with his cousin E.

1 comment:

  1. Man! Your kids and your sister's kids are all so cute.

    I come from a large family too... so great to be surrounded by so much family!

    Love the pics!
