
Monday, February 08, 2010

Heart2Heart giveaway!

I have two Heart2Heart Infant Inserts from ERGObaby to give away! See my reviews of the ERGObaby carrier and the Heart2Heart insert for more information about ERGO's product line. This infant insert is designed to carry your newborn securely in an ERGO carrier.

The Heart2Heart insert is a natural cotton color and will coordinate with any ERGO carrier. $25 value.

The last Heart2Heart giveaway winner never contacted me...which is too bad, because I liked her entry. Make sure this doesn't happen to you!

For this giveaway, I am giving extra points to expectant moms or parents of a newborn. I want the winner to be able to put this to use, now!

Giveaway rules:
  • To enter, leave a comment. Let me know if you're expecting a baby or if you have a newborn (up to 4 months old). 
  • US residents only, please. (It would break my bank account to ship it internationally...sorry!)
  • Be sure you leave some way for me to contact you: website, blog, Blogger profile, email, etc.
  • Contest ends Friday, February 12. 
  • I will pass the Heart2Heart along to someone else if the winner does not respond within 5 days. 


  1. I was just saying that I need one of these! I got an ergo with my daughter, and I have a sling, but I was wishing for one of these to carry my son. He is 7 weeks old tomorrow.

  2. Okay, so I'm expecting #5 in July and with every baby since #2 I have gotten a new kind of carrier. The Ergo is the one I have chosen for this baby. I've borrowed one and I love it, for my little walkers who get tired, but I'm excited to try it with a newborn. I would love to have this extra piece when he/she is newest. :-)

  3. Oooo...very cool. We're expecting a new baby in April (eep!) and I will be getting an Ergo for my husband who ADORED babywearing with our daughter (he shows everyone the picture of her in a sling at 2 days old while mama took a much-needed post-nursing bath) and loved the mei tai, but found the straps a little more annoying than he had patience for. :)

  4. Baby #2 is making an appearance some time in April. Our Ergo is a much loved part of the family. Up until a few months ago it was a safe place for me to nurse my toddler and now it allows me to carry her on my back when my stomach is in the way.

    Thanks for offering such a great give away!

  5. Hi Rixa,
    I've been reading your blog regularly since last summer and have learned so much! Many thanks for the information and education you have provided me with here.

    I am currently 13-weeks pregnant with my first child, and have found that the number of different kinds of baby carriers there are to choose from is truly overwhelming! (Not to mention the number of different kinds of cloth diapers, nursing bras, strollers, etc.) Who knew so many GAZILLION decisions are necessary when trying to plan for a newborn? (I certainly didn't!)

    So, I really do appreciate it when you make recommendations. It is so very helpful to a first-timer like me!

    Many thanks!
    (in the same town as your sister-in-law -- loved reading that birth story!)

  6. Baby #1 is expected in mid-June, and I am planning on using an Ergo Carrier. I've heard so many good things about them!

    Pick me! Pick me! :)

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  7. I'm expecting a little bean in May (planning a home water birth).
    My husband uses the Ergo and loves it. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    As always, love your blog!

    Cedar Rapids, IA

  8. P.S.
    You can reach me at leslie.hh.kung at gmail dot com.


  9. I have a 7 week old and an ergo carrier that is not being used - I would love to win one!



    montalino at gmail dot com

  10. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win! I am expecting a baby at the end of march and I am planning on getting an Ergo carrier. I would love the insert so I can get to use it right away! -Jessamyn

  11. expecting #1 after a 6 year wait...arriving in april.

  12. I've got an almost 2 year-old and a second kiddo on the way this July. I LOVE my ERGO (and so does my husband!), but never had an infant insert-- I'll need all the help I can get keeping up with my crazy toddler!

  13. I wish I was expecting or had a newborn. Alas, my baby is 10 months now. Good luck everyone, the Ergo is such and awesome carrier.

  14. This is on my wish list! I'm expecting my first baby in May and I plan to carry her all over the place in my Ergo. My email is

  15. We loved using our Ergo with our first child and I am due with #2 this summer. I would love to be able to use the ergo (insert) in the first few months this time. Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway.

  16. I want an Ergo so bad! My husband and I are expecting our first baby (a boy!) May 2nd.

  17. I'm going to cross my fingers. My baby girl is 3 months old and just a smidge too small for the Ergo yet--this would be great! And my SIL is due in August, so we both can use it.

  18. I had the infant insert for the Ergo and it drove me crazy-this look so much more manageable! I don't have a baby right now, but I babysit friends babies a lot, and would love to use the heart-to-heart with them!

  19. I would love to have one of these. Not currently pregnant, unfortunately, but we've been going through infertility treatment trying for #2 since June 08 and we're hoping that it happens soon. I do have a new baby niece to practice on, though!

  20. Well, we JUST found out we're expecting number three-- not telling anyone yet, thought, so hopefully no one I know reads this... My info is in my profile :)

    I've been dying to try one of these, too. I've tried several other slings/wraps/carriers and have a list of new ones to try this time around!

  21. I am 37 weeks pregnant with baby #4! I would so love to win this, as I already own an ERGO!

  22. After years of infertility, my husband and I are pregnant with our first (and naturally too - no fertility treatments)! I would love, love, love, love, love the carrier! I'd even be willing to say something clever, video myself begging for it, offer a bribe of some sort, and then, when the child is old enough, video him telling you thank you. :) or shrayshree at

  23. I've wanted one of these for ages! Unfortunately, I am no longer pregnant :( (but hope to be again this year). Anyway, I'd still like to enter!


  24. Count me in! I think you know about the time I'm expecting :)...and just how to get a hold of me!

  25. Sarah sleon1123@yahoo.com2/10/10, 12:18 PM

    My 4-week-old would love this! He wants to be held constantly, which is only natural but proving a bit of a challenge as I am busy homeschooling and housekeeping. For now I have been propping him up in the Ergo with blankies. Love your blog and I believe we are in the same state!

  26. I am expecting my first in September. Hopefully I'll get the Ergo at my blessingway so that I can use this insert! So cool!

  27. Well, it's not me, but my little sister just had her third yesterday! She won't be in the computer way for a few weeks, so I'm going to do the big sister thing and enter for her. I love Ergo. And I LOVE it when mama's carry their babies. It's gonna be me. I can just feel it.

    vietmom2con at gmail dot com

  28. I am due end of April w/ baby #2 and my husband got me a gift certificate for an ergo carrier, but not the insert so this would be fantastic! Our daughter was given a doll ergo so she can wear her baby dolls and I was so jealous of it (I got a bjorn before she was born and have a mei tai, but the ergos are supposed to be so great!) my awesome husband got me a gift certificate so we can have matching ergos when the new baby comes along!

  29. We are VBACing(!!!) in late June/early July. I am not sure of the sex yet but will find out in 2 weeks. I just transferred my care to a very VBAC friendly Dr last. He told me(you will love this), "I think women should be able to birth their children in the way they choose." How simple and wonderful. I proposed right then. :P


  30. Heather(Heath) from above giving you my email:

    heather_lee_fowler at

    sorry. I would blame it on pg brain but I read last week that is does not exist!

  31. Oh neat! I just received a Galaxy Grey Ergo for my baby shower, but I have yet to get the insert. We are expecting our little one March 10th, but my midwife says I'm going to go early; already a cm dilated, 80% effaced, and +1 station! I would just love to complete the set! Love your blog, Rixa.

  32. Home-birthing baby #2 in April and need to give my husband some inspiration to buy me a new carrier! This would be lovely inspiration.
    Thanks Rixa!

  33. Thank you for the chance to win this! I am 21 weeks and couting until my June-ish due date. Found the Ergo a little late with my son, so I'm looking forward to using it much sooner with this baby- and the insert would really help!

    briansteam at hotmail dot com

  34. I would love to win! I am hoping to be pregnant soon.


  35. I am two weeks away from giving birth to my first baby. We have 2 different slings and an Ergo, but not the infant insert yet. We want our babe to get used to being worn soon, because we plan on backpacking with him ASAP, and having a baby that enjoys being packed around will make our lives much easier (and our outdoor adventures much more frequent).

  36. I've got a 3 month old, and have loved becoming a baby-wearing momma. One of my mentors in this endeavor swears by her ergo, so it would give me just the nudge I need to try this variety of carrier if I win the insert.

  37. My first baby is due to be born (at home) at the end of March. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, my sister bought me an Ergo carrier. She says it is the one thing she couldn't have done without!

  38. That would be FABULOUS if I won the giveaway, I am already planning on buying an ERGO! My baby is due in June and I know he would just love it! I am planning on having him at a birthing center and I am so excited for the birth and am actually looking forward to it. I am a new follower of your blog but I'm loving it so far.

  39. Hi Rixa- my baby boy is due at the end of April and we're planning to purchase an Ergo carrier for my husband and I to share. We would love to win an insert!

  40. I am currently expecting my second child, and I would love to win this. Thanks.
