
Saturday, April 03, 2010

Felted wool Easter eggs

I saw this tutorial for making felted wool eggs (thanks to Amy at Progressive Pioneer for the idea!) and just had to try.
I was racking my brain on how to get my hands on some wool roving. I called a friend who knits, spins, and weaves and asked her if I could buy some. She said, "I have so much roving that you can take some! Please!" I came home with a soft, colorful bundle.

I followed the tutorial to the letter, except I alternated hot & cold water baths. My friend said it that the alternating heat and cold would enhance the felting process, better than just heat. Once they were nice and felted, I strung them inside an old nylon stocking and let them dry overnight.
I haven't opened mine up or added any fancy decorations yet. I think I'll leave the plastic eggs inside. The children like playing with them and they'd get smashed out of shape if they were hollow.
I'd like to make this activity an annual Easter tradition. The eggs are fun to make; once you get the felting started, little helpers can go to town dipping and splashing and rubbing the eggs. They are time-intensive, though; you'd need to allocate most of a morning or afternoon if you want to make several.


  1. I adore this idea! Too late for this year, but I'm putting this in my planner for next! (Okay, I don't have a planner, but I will try to remember for next year because I really want to do this!)

  2. these are simply beautiful. i love them. sending this to my mom. she has a lot of wool around her house, she likes to spin.

  3. Rixa this is so so cute. Wow. I want to do this next year, or maybe still will for a springy craft. Great job!

  4. Fabulous! Is wool roving something hard to find? Where might one look? A knitting store? JoAnne's?

  5. Wow, those are really neat looking. I'm going to bookmark this and hopefully remember next year! Thanks for sharing.


    Do you think this would help Dio?

  7. Rixa, do you know if there is a list somewhere of hospitals that are mother-friendly? I'm turning up nothing except the criteria on the internet.

  8. I would like to know how in the world you find time to do all of this? Our your days longer than mine?! :)

    When I see things like this, I never think "I need to make some". Instead, I think, "I need to find someone who makes those and buy them." Arrgh. I wish I were crafty!

  9. Wow, that Woombie is exactly what I needed for when Dio was littler! I wonder if they make them in larger sizes?...

    CIMS doesn't currently have a certification process. They used to, but it became too expensive to maintain. They're choosing to focus on promoting evidenced-based Mother-Friendly standards, but without a formal certifying process. So that's why you couldn't find a list.

  10. @ Rachel: when Dio was taking his afternoon nap, Zari and I made 8 eggs. It took all of the early afternoon. I don't always do hands-on activities with Zari during this time--it's more typical that she plays outside and I read or garden, or she plays inside and I check email--but I thought she'd enjoy making them. Prepare to get everything very wet and soapy.

  11. This are so beautiful. Happy.
