
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

ACOG issues less restrictive VBAC guidelines

We just got back from a 10-hour road trip and all I want to do is go to sleep...but then I saw that ACOG just issued more liberal VBAC guidelines! This likely occurred in response to the NIH Consensus Conference on VBAC this year. Please visit the following links for more information.

First, read ACOG's press release about the new VBAC guidelines.

Then, read about the significance of the new guidelines at VBAC Facts.

1 comment:

  1. What incredibly exciting news!!!! I am thrilled at this step in the right direction (finally!!!). I had my "victory baby" last month- a 9.5 lb VBAC, and felt such healing and restoration through that glorious birth. But, I had to fight my entire pregnancy to even get the chance for TOLAC. I hope it gets easier for future "VBAC candidates" (I hate that label by the way!). My journey toward vaginal birth was very stressful... Pregnant women should NOT have to deal with this nonsense!

    Thanks for sharing the good news! My friend is currently fighting for a VBA2C and I hope this helps.
