
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lots of good news

We're finally back home for good, after being away almost all summer! We actually got home a day later than planned. Our flight home was overbooked, so we volunteered to be bumped. In addition to flight vouchers, we got to spend an extra night & day in downtown Salt Lake City, paid for by Delta Airlines.

Tomorrow evening I'm giving a presentation about natural birth for C.H.O.I.C.E.S. Come join me at 5:30 pm at the West Lafayette Public Library!

Other good news: yesterday was our 12th wedding anniversary! We didn't do much, since we were recovering from jet lag and two very busy weeks of visiting family. But earlier this summer we celebrated with dinner at Ze Kitchen Galerie in Paris. The food was really, really, really good...but I've actually had just as good of food for a much better price in other places in France. Such as the Restaurant du Golf near Royan. Mmmmm....

And finally, Zari has a secret that she wants to share with you:


  1. aHA! Congratulations:)

  2. How exciting! Congratulations :)

  3. Congratulations Rixa!!! :)

  4. Lisa in Canada8/15/10, 3:02 PM

    Congrats, Rixa!!! I rarely comment, but I'm an avid follower of your blog (and I have one of your slings!). Zari and Dio are about 6 months younger than my daughter and son, so it seems like we have so much in common (aside from the similar values/views when it comes to birth). Here's to an uneventful pregnancy and a lovely birth!

  5. Congratulations! I am so excited for you! (I really love the ring sling I got from you, too, by the way.)

  6. Love hearing about your births and pregnancies and can't wait to hear what you name this little person. Many happy thoughts your way!

  7. Congratulations! Wonderful news!

  8. Congrats!! You and me both :D
    It will be fun to read about your pregnancy and birth while experiencing my own!

    I was wondering if you'd be preggers again soon...


  9. Congratulations! I'm due in February too! I'm looking forward to reading about your experiences the third time around.

  10. Congratulations to you and your family!

    I look forward to reading about this pregnancy, birth, and beyond!

    Jenn H.

  11. Hey, congratulations to you and all the family:)

  12. So happy for you, and jealous of your capabilities during first trimester - I'm worth nothing in that time!!!

  13. Congratulations! How exciting. :)

  14. Congratulations to all four of you! Zari's got pretty impressive camera presence...
    12 years since you got married? How'd we get so old??!

  15. WOOHOO!! I am so excited for you guys :) And what a cutie that Zari is. Congratulations. Can't wait to watch you grow this baby!

  16. Congrats! Have fun at your presentation. Wish I could come. Andy's a Purdue alum, and we just love the area.

  17. wowsa! congratulations you power woman! look forwad to updates all the way down here!

  18. Congratulations, Rixa! I was wondering after something Felice said on her blog about 3 pregnancies forcing deadlines for the book...

  19. Congratulations, Rixa! So happy for you. Can't wait to follow this new journey.

  20. Congrats! I hope you are feeling well and that you have a great rest of your pregnancy. I'm looking forward to reading about your experience for the third time!

  21. Congrats cuz!!! Very very exciting. Zari is so cute.

  22. Congratulations! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

  23. congrats!!! babies are so exciting!

  24. Congratulations! Keep us posted, of course. :)

  25. Congrats!!! Great time of year to have a baby. Nice and cool. :-)

  26. Congratulations!!

  27. Congrats Mama!!!!!!!! I'm a February baby so it's a great month for a new little one ;)
    How often is Dio still nursing? Will you tandem nurse again?

  28. Congratulations Rixa!! Wishing you a peaceful pregnancy and much joy as your lovely family grows again.

  29. Oh yeah, Rixa, you should stop by my blog: I'm giving away a 0-3 onesie, hand-stenciled by my sister. It's adorable, and I'm sure it'd look great on your new little one when they get here.

  30. Congratulations, Rixa!! That's wonderful news.

  31. Aw, there are a lot of us due in Feb.... =0)

  32. Congratulations from Australia! I also read avidly and rarely comment, and feel like I've found out one of my close friends is pregnant! So excited to follow you on this journey...

  33. Congratulations, Rixa! I have a February baby myself, so I think you're extra lucky. It's different from spring/fall babies, having those cozy winter babies (both mine are winterborn).

  34. Welcome home and Congratulations!

  35. Congratulations!! I'm also due in February :D

  36. That is good news!! Congratulations!

  37. What an adorable way to announce your pregnancy. Nice job, Z.

    Congrats, Rixa.

  38. Wow, I already congratulated Gina at feministbreeder on her baby news, and now I come here and see more congratulations are in order!

    I wish you a great pregnancy and easy birth!

  39. Delightful news! Looking forward to following another pregnancy. Healthy, happy wishes to you!

  40. So, how did your presentation at the library go?

  41. Fabuloso! Congrats. :-) (She's quite the big sister, isn't she? Adorable.)

  42. Congratulations! That is wonderful news. I am a tiny bit jealous. But I will live vicariously by reading your blog.

  43. Congrats! So glad we get to be along for another journey!

  44. How exciting! Congratulations! I'm looking forward to reading all about it on your blog. :)

  45. Congratulations! And I love Zari's "walking, lots of walking" response to, "What do you think about the baby?"

  46. Congratulations! That's terrific. I hope you have a healthy pregnancy and a lovely birth!

  47. Congratulations, Rixa. I've been dealing with an impossibly slow computer, and it was actually Sarah who told me the news. It sounds like you'll be getting lots of exercise if Zari's predictions are correct. :)

    I'm thrilled for you!

  48. oh oh oh, a third baby! Yay! you will enjoy it so much. :)
    blessings on you and your family!

  49. What a wonderful blessing. :)

  50. Just saw your latest post about pregnancy brain and went "Hu?!?!?!?!" coz I'd missed the big news. Congratulations! I have a February baby :D

    How lovely to be sharing a pregnancy with you from the other side of the globe :) Looking forward to keeping abreast of your third birthing journey via cyberspace xoxo

  51. I too missed the big news!! Congratulations! Another home
    birth in the works? I'm excited to follow you in your journey!

  52. Oh congratulations, Rixa! How exciting! I'm so happy for you. I don't know how I stumbled upon your blog, but I've been following it and I've sent other blog mamas your way many times. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that we're looking forward to hearing about your pregnancy and seeing those beautiful baby bump pictures! Many blessings <3

  53. Here it is!! Congrats, Rixa!

  54. This is fantastic news. Congrats.
