
Monday, January 10, 2011

Need your input ASAP!

I've been so busy with our bathroom renovations that the deadline for submitting proposals for the next Lamaze Conference sneaked up on me--they are due tonight! I would love to speak again next year and have several ideas floating around for presentations. But first, I want to hear from you--childbirth educators, doulas, and L&D nurses in particular--about what topic you'd like to hear me speak about at the Lamaze conference. Please submit your suggestions ASAP. I hope to still make the deadline!


  1. VBAC's and VBAC2C.
    ACOG changing the criteria and making it less coplicated to have a OB agree to it based on ACOG and VBAC homebirths how to get a OB to sign off on it.

  2. breech, ECV, vaginal breech!

  3. Informed consent and abuses that occur in obtaining it. I know you are very busy, but if you saw my email from a couple of weeks ago. I'd love to collaborate with you on The Baby Story footage on the topic of informed consent.

  4. It may be too late for this idea and this idea may not even apply to the Lamaze conference anyway... but I'd love to hear your tips for success with breastfeeding if you DO have to have a c-section. A friend was asking about it and I wanted to refer her to a post of yours thinking you had written one but I searched to no avail! :)

  5. In responce toKate, I had a C-sectionwith my second baby, I have breech babies and the lil guy wouldn't turn, and I told the L&D nurses I wanted to breastfeed and have the baby asap after he was out. They were so supportive and I was able to get him latched on as they were stitching me up! Most hospitals seem to be ok with it as long as the mother and baby are doing fine! But I TOLD them, I didn't ask! That way they knew I meant buisness! LOL
