
Friday, January 21, 2011

Who's afraid of a neti pot?

I was, until a few days ago.

I was so sleep deprived that I was desperate to try something. Anything. Towards the end of pregnancy, my nasal passages always feel engorged and swollen. With pregnancy-induced sleep apnea a possible culprit in my sleeplessness, what might help open my breathing passages?

I came up with two ideas: nasal strips and a neti pot. A short walk to my local pharmacy and $20 later, I was armed with my anti-insomnia devices.

I was a bit hesitant about trying the neti pot. I knew it involved pouring warm salty water up your nose and it somehow coming out the other side. Not really my idea of a party.

It wasn't too bad, though. I thought the water would go farther up my nose and throat before coming back out. But the neti pot was simple to use and did an amazing job at clearing my nose out completely. Not even a hint of congestion.

Next, I put on a nasal strip. Nasal strips are stiff bands of plastic that adhere over the bridge of your nose. The plastic lifts your nasal passages open wider as it attempts to flex back to its original position. I laid down to sleep, and wow! I could suddenly breathe about 10 times easier. I didn't notice any of the gasping for breath or startling awake I'd been experiencing recently.

I slept normally last night (for being 8 months pregnant) after 6 consecutive nights of hardly any sleep.

Sleep issue solved? I hope so.


  1. Definitely a weird experience the first time I tried it. But now it's the first thing I use when I'm super congested.

  2. I have always wanted to try a neti pot but it kinda freaks me out a lot. Maybe I'll try it since I had the same thoughts you had about it going down my throat and stuff.

  3. I'd never even heard of such a thing until a few days ago. My dentist of all people told me about it and sent me home with one. Mine looks a little more like a tea pot, but does the same thing. It really seems to clean things out up there.

  4. I much prefer the sqeeze bottle to the netti pot, but they do the same thing and are AMAZING!

  5. I have the exact same problems when pregnant. Unfortunately I didn't find out about the Netti pot until after wards, and I ruined my nose with terrible nose sprays. I know terrible right! I'm so happy you found something that works! :)

  6. I've never tried the neti pot but I LOVE my sinus rinse. Seasonal allergies used to be torture until I started using the rinse. I've had a couple colds this pregnancy and I'm not sure how I would have handled them without the saline rinses. I hope your sleep issues are solved!

  7. Neti pots are great! I was scared the first time too, but now I love it.
    I am glad you found something to help. :)

  8. I have used a sinus rinse many times. Sadly I left it on accident when we moved. The ONLY thing I left too. :(

  9. Neti pots are awesome. I wish I had them at work for patients. I also wish I had suction catheters at home. :)

  10. A neti pot was a huge gift at the end of my last pregnancy (and is awesome during allergy season). You can do some variations on the regular cleans and end up letting the water run out of your mouth (sounds gross and strange, but it is great at clearing out a bit more). Glad you got over your fear; it is a great tool to have in the natural healing arsenal.

  11. i used to fear the neti pot as well but it works wonders!!!

  12. I'm so happy this is helping your sleep. I tried the neti, but it made me gag too much. I found a saline, nasal mist that is meant to moisturize and that seemed to work better for me.

  13. Thankfully, I'm on the tail end of my cold and can now breathe and sleep comfortably because saline nasal spray was NOT my friend!

    We have a neti pot but the one time I used it I must have done it wrong because I was choking and sputtering and that was it for me!

    A co-worker recommended a bulb syringe but I've been too chicken to try it but I might screw up the courage just so I can get rid of this last bit of congestion!

  14. The neti is a little odd at first, and sometimes if I mix it too strong, or too hot, it freaks me out. The big thing I learned is to NOT do it at bedtime, LOL, do it enough in advance that everything drains out before you go lay down (about an hour, according to my instruction).

  15. I have heard great things about the neti pots, but I'm too afraid of having a scenario just like you described happen to me.Thanks

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