
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pregnancy update: 40 weeks

Today is the first time I’ve ever reached my “due date” in 3 pregnancies. To be really technical, I won’t actually be 40 weeks for another few days, since I have a 27-28 day cycle with a short luteal phase (I ovulate around day 16-17)…but who cares, anyway?

We had a "due date date” tonight after we put the kids to bed. There’s not much going on in our town, no good restaurants or shows right now, so we just stayed in. I rented a video—the latest Twilight, since I felt like something fluffy—and we ate popcorn. Eric was totally rooting for Team Jacob. "Enough with the weepy, moronic, emotionally abusive relationship," he said.

I don’t feel all that much different than last week. Sleep has been so-so, but that’s the reality of being at the end of pregnancy. Zari was really helpful today and let me sleep during Dio’s naptime. She played quietly by herself, helped herself to an apple, and stayed out of the room until I woke up.

I’ve already started working through my postpartum reading list. Last night, I started reading The Year My Son and I Were Born by Kathryn Soper and stayed up way too late. Then I woke up early this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I finished the rest of the book before everyone else woke up. The writing itself is okay, but the story is so powerful. I cried through about half of the book, and I’m not usually the crying type.

Then this afternoon I read Free-Range Kids start to finish. Fantastic book, fast read. After Dio woke up from his nap, I brought the kids outside to play and myself outside to read--putting free-range into action, right? It was right around freezing and overcast, not really the best weather, but the kids didn’t care. It’s amazing how they can amuse themselves with puddles of water and broken tree branches.

If I don’t have the baby tonight, I’m bringing the car into the shop tomorrow. Great timing, eh? I’m pretty sure we have a fuel line leak, since our mileage has plummeted suddenly from 600+ miles/tank to less than 350. I’m borrowing a friend’s car for the day so I can go to my midwife’s appointment, and we’re hoping it the car will be fixed by the end of the day.

40 weeks pregnant
 I love this photo because it shows Dio's silly side.


  1. What a beautiful belly and children you have. Thank you for sharing your words. It is refreshing to read a calm 40 week post for a change. I'm sending you energy for continued peace and a gentle birth

  2. Am I the only one who thinks it would be funny/interesting if with your belly photo of your current pregnancy you posted pics of how big your other kids were at the same point?

    I have an odd sense of humor :)

  3. Lisa in Canada2/22/11, 11:49 PM

    Rixa, you are glowing! You look amazing. I think about you every day and can't wait to read all about your lovely birth. It is your blog that really changed how I view birth, even though I had a "fairly" natural, midwife assisted birth with my first (vacuum at the end, no epidural!) and a much more doable birth with my second. I debate in my head about having a third, though I know it's mostly b/c I want to have *that* birth, not really b/c I want three kids! ;)

    Sending much loving energy to you and your family!

  4. At first I thought you said your vehicle usually went 600 miles/gallon. LOL I was going to ask what kind of car that is.

  5. Happy due date! I was due yesterday.. :) Waiting waiting!!

  6. Hoping for you that the baby comes soon :) Mainly just so I can read about it. I remember going to bed on my due date, comfortable but vaguely irritated that my husband didn't want to DTD, feeling my first contraction, and giving birth 5 hours later! It's crazy how fast it can happen.

  7. Woohoo Due Date! Congrats!

  8. Thank you for all the book reviews and other things you review! I have put The Year My Son and I Were Born on my Amazon wish list (where it won't stay long...must buy).

    When I read that you cried throughout the book though I thought, "Hmmmm pre-labor tears". Releasing. Renewing. Lovely tears. or not :/

    Birth blessings, Rosie Doula

  9. I was wondering if we'd have our babies the same night. This is FIRST time I haven't made it to my due date! 39weeks2days,9lbs,22in. Baby boy born at home into the arms of his three siblings!! Thanks for all your inspiration, I am excited for your upcoming birth!

  10. Thinking of you, so impressed and happy about your good glowing patient vibes.

  11. I love this photo! You look so amazing! And the shutter behind you adds nice rustic texture! 40 weeks is a major milestone for you! I hope it is soon! i can't wait to see pics and ready the new babyies birth story! Any names yet? I still like Theron if it's a boy, My Great Grandfather's name. Take it easy and keep on truckin! I always got so antsie at the end, I want to meet my babies soooo bad I just can't stand to wait!

  12. It really is refreshing to read a relaxed 40-week post. You sound happily excited and like you're enjoying these last few days (weeks?) despite the physical discomforts! I never reached my due date with any of my three babies, so I think it would be interesting to see how that felt! Very excited to hear your news when the time comes, and read your birth story when you are ready to share! (Long time reader here, first time commenter :) Love your blog!

  13. I'm totally with your husband on that one. Jacob is the obvious choice.

  14. Congrats on reaching your due date! You'd think that with each child, you'd go progressively sooner, but it really depends. My fourth was my latest. You never know.

    Whenever it happens, I hope it's wonderful and powerful for you!

  15. Jacob is definitely the only way to go.
    and that is a great picture of Dio:)

  16. Beautiful pics...

    I love the reading list post... I am getting tons of ideas with you... though I don't seem to be getting much time to read these days...

  17.'re beautiful inside and out - and with that gorgeous baby, there's no room for even you to argue that. =) Blessings for a beautiful birth and I can't wait to see pictures soon....

  18. You look terrific. I enjoyed Kathryn Soper's book when I read it. Wishing you your ideal birth:)
