
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

You know home birth is mainstream when...

...Pampers shows a home waterbirth in their ad:

This isn't an endorsement of Pampers--I love my cloth diapers--but it is pretty darn cool to see a very large, very mainstream company include home birth.


  1. Wow, that IS cool! I never would have expected that. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for this. I actually do freelance work for the Pampers Pregnancy website and I try to write about topics that the mainstream audiences don't normally see or read about, like home birth, natural birth, exclusive breastfeeding, etc. It's really cool to see that they are branching out a bit. I would love to write an article for their site about cloth diapers, but somehow I just don't see that happening ;)

  3. That's awesome!

    and pretty much, all those itty bitty babies give me fever for the next one, lol! So sweet.

  4. That ad made me CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT ANOTHER ONE.

  5. Wow, that's a really great ad! So much diversity and inclusion. My only nitpick is they could have used the pronoun she once or twice. :)

  6. I saw this on tv yesterday! I had the same reaction~so cool to see homebirth positively included in a mainstream media source! Awesome.

  7. That's awesome, that just thrilled me to death. It would be nice to give the ad execs feedback on this so they get the idea that it was received well.

  8. Awesome! This is wonderful! This will definitely help get rid of the stigma of homebirth being only for 'bible thumping Christians', or 'hippies with hairy armpits' lol! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Yay waterbirth! That is what I am planning for my first due in September!! How cool that Pampers would show that. ;)
    Got to spread the news on options even if it's a simple ad! ;)

  10. Very cool! I wonder if we'd ever see an add like that in the states?

  11. I have to say--I'm impressed. And hopeful.

  12. While, I appreciate the attempt, the overall tone of this commercial is judgmental. The assumptions are that every single pregnant bride is pregnant by "accident" and that there is such a thing as a baby who is "10 years late."

  13. I think it's because they know most Homebirthers tend to, eventually, steer clear of their product. So they are trying to make their product seem to fit into an "alternative" birthing practicer's world. Whatever the reason, it sure it WONDERFUL to get the idea out more widely! ^_^

  14. Anna, those things bugged me too, but I suppose the argument could be made that for certain women that is true. Not 10 yrs late, but 10 yrs after she first wanted a baby. And the pregnant bride wasn't an "accident" the baby was "unplanned". It's of course possible a woman would plan to get pregnant and then decide to get married, but I'm not sure how else an unplanned pregnancy can be portrayed in one image.

  15. WHOO HOO!!! No complaints here. I'm just glad they're willing to include the possibility of homebirth. I think that's fabulous.

  16. I saw this yesterday and of course it made me cry. I am really impressed that a home, water birth was shown in such a positive light. I was a little disappointed in the end that it was a pampers commercial but really, anything that normalizes home birth is okay with me!

  17. Loved it, but I wonder what percentage of the public is going to recognize that as a home water birth like we do.

  18. I think it would be fine if anyone thought it was even a birthcenter.... that's a step in the right direction! so sweet to see all those little babies!

  19. My husband spotted this on tv and went back on the DVR to show me. I was so happy to see a positive, warm view of homebirth/waterbirth/natural birth on TV.

  20. In my mind, is a small step toward normalizing water birth/home birth/birth center birth. For as much as I would love (and prefer) to see another company promoting non-mainstream birth practices, the fact that this is such a popular and visible company among new parents (and even non-parents) is HUGE!

  21. No sure why but my first thought was the 'homebirth' was actually a birth center but the clip was so flipping quick that I can be sure either way and for this type of advert I guess it doesn't really matter.

    I second (or third?) the commenters that states that most women who make the educated decision to give birth at home would neither use nor endorse the use of disposables especially Pampers for any infant's elimination needs so it looks like none of us can escape these powerful and desperate (evil?) genius marketing campaigns.

  22. "I second (or third?) the commenters that states that most women who make the educated decision to give birth at home would neither use nor endorse the use of disposables especially Pampers for any infant's elimination needs so it looks like none of us can escape these powerful and desperate (evil?) genius marketing campaigns."

    I homebirth, and we sometimes use sposies. Just saying. Good for Pampers!

  23. The cloth diapers comment was my first thought too. Ha ha, but still it's awesome to have the choice acknowledged by a hard hitter like Pampers. I LOVED my home water birth, it could not have been more perfect.

  24. I was excited to see this commercial on youtube.. And then I saw it at home here in the good ol' USA. The sad part? They totally cut the scene showing the full birth tub, and then they cropped the pic of mom and baby so you couldn't see anything else. No one here would have even known it was a water birth/birthcenter, etc. Pretty darn disappointing.
