
Tuesday, August 02, 2011

5 months old!

So many changes start once your baby reaches 3 months. In the last two months, Inga started laughing (first laugh at 3 1/2 months when I was playing "patty-cake" with her feet), discovered her hands and feet, learned how to grasp objects and play with toys, settled into a predictable routine, and became mobile even though she hasn't yet crawled.

This girl is strong! She has a solid core and way better abs than I do. (Which isn't saying much after 3 children...) She's rolling and belly-scooting around in her crib and on our bed. I actually bought crib bumpers at a thrift store today because she was rolling over forcefully into the crib rails and then crying because it hurt. She loves to stand and will do so for long stretches of time, often just holding on to one of my fingers.

I won't say Inga is a "good baby," but she is remarkably chill and easy-going. Honestly, I can't imagine an easier third baby. She rarely fusses and is almost always content. She takes short naps in the morning and early evening and a long nap after lunch. She goes to bed around 8-9 pm and wakes up usually twice to nurse before she's up around 8 am for the morning. Not bad at all! She definitely likes to snooze and sleep in in the mornings, like her sister and unlike her brother.

I think Inga looks remarkably like Zari. Except Inga is definitely chubbier around the chin and neck! Sometimes I look at Zari's baby pictures and honestly almost think it's Inga. Here are some when Zari was around 5 months old:
Here is Inga at 5 months:
Now for some comparison pictures...Dio around 5 months. He definitely has the "Dio" stamp to him even back then.

Inga as a newborn and at 4 & 5 months:
1 week old
4 months old
5 months old
2 weeks old
4 months old
5 months old
And for those of you wondering what Inga's middle name is...


  1. Oh she is a treasure! So deliciously round!

    I am amazed by the character in Dio's face at 5 months too! My kids were such blob's at 5 months- you couldn't really see much of the shape of what they would look like as toddlers.

  2. Thanks for these photos - they are just delightful. My daughter had her first baby at about the time Inga was born, so it is nice to see the similarities and differences.

  3. she is adorable. Love her first and middle name.

  4. She totally looks like a combo between Dio and Zari!! Though I definitely think you are right she favors Zari more. I love her middle name! I DO remember wondering what it was... :)

  5. Cute little chunky monk.

  6. She is so beautiful! I am definitely finding my son a lot more laid back but I wonder if it is because I am so chilled out this time round. I was so anxious with my daughter and she was an anxious baby.

    My son is only a couple of weeks older than your daughter so I love reading your updates :)

  7. So cute when they play with their feet! My daughter and my sister have the same middle name so it's a favourite around here.

  8. What kind of wrap is that in the first photo? Love Inga's round cheeks!

  9. Johanna, it's one of my ring slings ( I don't have that fabric anymore, though.

  10. Oops sorry, wrong google account for that last comment!

  11. I love that quilt Inga is lying on in the last two pictures! Is it your creation? Is the bunting appliqued on top of the white or pieced with it (not too much of a sewer/quilter so hopefully that makes sense). All 3 kiddos are just so cute. Dio does look amazingly the same.

  12. Oh, they grow so quickly!!! Mine is 6 weeks old and already looks nothing like she did a few weeks ago! Lovely photos. Zion

  13. She is PRECIOUS and love the comparisons!


  14. Perfect middle name (I'm a Lynda Marie) !~! She's adorable and since these photos are four years old... Well, time gets by, doesn't it ? She's in Kinder now I bet. no?
