
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New blogs

My blogroll is in serious need of updating. Part of the problem comes from me constantly discovering new blogs that I have to follow. Like the wickedly funny Labor and Deliverance, written by an OB practicing in the South. His recent post Is a Cesarean right for you? Of course it is! was spot on. Then there's The Many Colors of Changing Woman written by a Native American CNM. It's as serious and reflective as Labor and Deliverance is irreverent. (Recently many of her posts have been disappearing; they show up on my Google Reader but are gone from her blog. What's up?)

I read a lot of things besides birth blogs. I just added Design Seeds and the affiliated fresh news for color inspiration. I like Little eco footprints for ideas and inspiration about living more lightly on this earth. And Mother Wheel for the fun to seeing what happens when you mix Paganism & Mormonism.

So tell me, what blogs have you recently fallen in love with?


  1. I am a big fan of Mel's Kitchen Cafe (food blog).

  2. I am a huge fan of AnyMommyOutThere . Her writing is an engaging, cynical and sometimes painful but always hilarious viewpoint of motherhood. I can strongly relate to her loving sarcasm!
    I also am enjoying Sarah in Haiti. Sarah is a midwife who has been living and working at the MamaBaby birth center in Haiti for the last 5ish months. Her depiction of life in Haiti is haunting and beautiful.
    I also really appreciate "Birth Peeps with Pam England". I always enjoy her perspective.
    And finally, something that has nothing to do with babies! The Roaming Naturalist is a fun one.
    Happy blog-reading!

  3. Thanks for the links. I love finding good blogs. Recently, I've been reading a lot of Blue Milk which centers on feminist mothering.

  4. I just fell in love with "Midwife on a Mission" - a midwife working in rural Sudan. She updates almost every day, so it's a very active blog, and it's absolutely fascinating. Also, I've really been enjoying Aviva Romm's blog because she's doing an OB stint in Haiti right now, and it's just great.

    Plus, don't get me started on all of the mothering/women's blogs I've found - too many to list!! :)

  5. Sometimes blog posts disappear when they've signed a book deal :(

  6. Oh, thank you for posting "Labour and Deliverance"! I was reading his "old" blog but when I went to check it yesterday it was GONE! Another one I like is "Dr Grumpy". I read a lot of sewing blogs, and it seems like they've all just had their 4th (or 6th) babies!

  7. Momastery! Just started reading last week & love it.

  8. I am devastated!!! Labor and Deliverance just went to invited readers only. This is sooooo sad. Is there anyone else out there who is struggling with rejection? I'm glad you still have your blog open, Rixa. -M-

    1. Bummer to hear about Labor & Deliverance going private. It was awesome. No plans to close this one down or make it private or charge money to read it--like has been happening with some other blogs out there.

    2. Oh my goodness, I dearly miss Labor and Deliverance, no warning on the switch that I saw. So sad :-(

  9. I was so sad to hear it had gone private as well. It was absolutely one of my favorite blogs. :(

    1. Don't worry all you Labor & Deliverance readers! I am in contact with the OB blogger and he's happy to invite anyone to read who wants to.
