
Saturday, June 02, 2012

Back from the conference

Wow, what an intense 2 days at the Human Rights in Childbirth Conference! I am so glad I didn't bring Inga. She did great, by the way--no problems at all with me being gone. I was super engorged the day after I left her and had to pump 3 times :)

The conference had an outstanding group of speakers and participants. My brain was firing at top speed, and I took nonstop notes during each conference session. More details to come soon.

Me & Jill of The Unnecesarean and CesareanRates

Jill with the conference organizer and two amazing US attorneys. We had great conversations about the boundaries of personhood and the murky legal status of pregnant women. 

If you attended the conference or viewed the webinar, please drop by and share your thoughts!


  1. You met my friend farah! Thus we are now two degrees. It's such a cool world and awesome to be connected to other alt birthers. Glad it was great!

  2. Why does Jill have a Norman Bates look? Ha! Now that your back please give us some conference highlights.

  3. I really liked meeting you in real life Rixa. I have been following this blog for quite some time now. The whole conference was intense indeed. I was on the organisation team and our whole team rocked. It was kind of a pressurecooker these last 5 months but the feling of achievement was great. Glad you will write more on it and hopefully we'll meet again.

  4. It was great to see you, Rixa. Thanks for being a lovely seatmate. :)

  5. Rebecca Spence6/5/12, 2:28 PM

    Lovely meeting you in person Rixa! So honored to stand along side the brilliance in that space (and in the bottom photo!)

    Looking forward to what comes next.

  6. It was great to see you again -- thanks for your amazingly helpful write-ups of the conference, I'm really enjoying them. Looking forward! (and hello to Alicia :D)
