
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Vaginal breech, ECV, and NRP Workshops

I have another announcement to make...Not quite as exciting as my pregnancy, but pretty close!

We are organizing another workshop with Dr. J. Peter O'Neill, the Canadian OB who taught vaginal breech skills last summer in Indianapolis. This time, he will be leading two full-day workshops: Vaginal Breech Birth and External Cephalic Version with Ultrasound Guidance. Both sessions include hands-on simulation.

On top of that, we have a NRP course tailored for out-of-hospital attendants, taught by Penny Lane, CNM, MSN, IBCLC. This course will cover full resuscitation skills, including intubation, medication administration, and umbilical line placement.

The workshops will take place in Niceville, Florida on June 7-10, 2013. We also have some fun free sessions for conference participants, including evening conversation circles and film screenings.

You can mix & match any of the 3 workshop days. We are offering deep discounts for students and for early registration; sign up now to take advantage of these fantastic prices.

Please spread the word about the Vaginal Breech, ECV, and NRP workshops! More information can be found at

Ps--any of you coming to the Third International Breech Conference in D.C.? I'll be there!

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