
Thursday, February 13, 2014

First-time mom looking for in-hospital breech catcher

I received a request from a first-time mom looking for a CNM or OB willing to attend a vaginal breech birth. She lives in Pittsburgh but is willing to relocate, if necessary, if her baby remains breech at term. Please email me if you have any recommendations!


I am 33 weeks pregnant (first child), and the baby has been breech since 23/24 weeks. I'm doing all of the spinning babies exercises, and planning to do acupuncture, as well as seeing an OB whom my midwives referred me to to discuss an external version. (I am seeing a group of CNMs with a freestanding birth center, but they don't deliver breech or VBAC, and neither does anyone else in the city do breech deliveries voluntarily, as far as I can tell.)

However. This baby is stubborn. Nothing has made an impact on him/her so far, and I'm concerned that it will continue to be breech. I'm hoping that you can point me towards some providers who will accept a primip trying to have a breech vaginal delivery. I live in Pittsburgh, but my husband and I would drive or fly virtually anywhere and stay there as long as necessary if the external version fails. I just don't want to find myself at 38 weeks (especially not *in labor* at 38 weeks), and have no option other than to go to the OBs, who will insist on a C-section.

I'm especially looking for CNMs who can deliver in a hospital, or OBs who are ok with breech, as I'm concerned enough about the risks of the situation that I don't really want an out of hospital birth at this point. (At least for the first one; subsequent ones, I'll be much more cheerful about "accidentally" waiting too long. ;)

I would deeply appreciate any information you can give me.


  1. You might check into the providers at Oregon Health and Sciences University in Portland Oregon. Linda Glenn is with their midwifery practice and the docs are currently involved in a breech trial. Good luck.

  2. Here is a practice of CNMs in Columbus, OH that does VBACs; not sure if they do breech, but it's worth a phone call!

  3. I have heard of a Dr. Wu in Glendale, California who delivers breech babies.

  4. Intown Midwifery in Atlanta Georgia

  5. Dr. Hartung in Hudson Wisconsin does VBAC and Breech.

  6. I know its very far from you, but I would also suggest OHSU in Portland, OR as a good option for a breech delivery.

  7. Have you consulted with Dr. Kaminski at Magee? He and the other docs in Maternal Fetal Medicine are the backup OBs for the midwives at Magee. Under certain circumstances he will deliver a vaginal breech.

  8. The Sutter Davis birthing center in Davis, CA does vaginal breech.

  9. Dr. Dawne Lowden OBGYN and Dr. Melissa Hague OBGYN both readily accept planned VBB provided you fit the strict guidelines outlined in the PREMODA study. They are in Wichita, KS and connected with Wesley Medical Center which delivers more babies than any hospital in a 13 state region. There is an attached birthing center, but they do not allow breech deliveries there due to protocols that specify they must be within seconds of an OR, NICU, Anaesthesiology, and Peds Specialist.After the delivery though, you can be transferred to the birth center.

  10. I was curious if you have consulted with a Chiropractor? I am a little bias due to being a chiropractic student =).
    From personal experience our second daughter decided that she did not want to be head down about 3 weeks before her due date. Trying what seemed like everything, except moxibustion, we needed to schedule a C-Section. Sometimes there are bigger plans than our own. We had to keep in the forefront of our minds "What is most important?" A healthy, strong baby in the end with little stress on mom and baby. There are times and seasons for everything... our season for the experience of a C-Section was with our second daughter. It was a great experience to have to help future patients with their decisions and questions that they might have. Never know why we go through some things in life, but it is always for our good- if we will it so.
    I hope this helps! If you need some help contacting a chiropractor in your area please let me know. Chiropractic is not a Breech-fix or intra-uterine restraint fixer-upper. However, chiropractic care assists your body to be at the most optimal condition for strength, coordination, and endurance.
