
Sunday, January 08, 2017

First time skiing for Inga and Ivy

Friday evening we decided, "Let's go skiing tomorrow!" We packed the car full of boots, skis, coats, pants, and mittens and drove up to Auron. The ski resorts near us haven't got much snow yet, and the lower hills were all man-made snow.

Still it was great to get the whole family on skis for the first time. Ivy and Inga had never been, and it was my first time skiing for 12+ years...thanks to being pregnant or breastfeeding or both ever since Zari was born.

Ivy loved it.

Inga, on the other hand, had a rough day. She was still recovering from a horrible GI bug she got on Tuesday morning. We thought she was on the mend...then she puked once in the car and again when we were getting our boots on. Eric took her on the slopes for an hour or two, and she was a sobbing mess by the end. I took her into a restaurant that was kind enough to let us camp out--there aren't communal ski lodges in France, just individual restaurants and cafes. She had diarrhea and then immediately fell asleep on a few chairs for the rest of the afternoon. She hadn't eaten anything all day, poor thing, and very little since Tuesday.

But she's acting normal today for the first time in almost a week. Normal = talking nonstop, jumping around, being obstinate, running, and eating.

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