
Sunday, March 22, 2020

French quarantine day 3

7,924 steps

I dragged myself out of bed at 9:30 this morning. We did crafts and activities in the morning (origami, Legos, and random objects made out of paper). After lunch we went on a family walk and marveled at the empty, silent streets. I don't anticipate anything like this happening again in my lifetime. Even at 3 am, the streets of Nice are never deserted like this.

We had a 15-minute "home church" this evening, with the bread served in a crème brûlée ramekin and the wine (aka sparkling water because that's what we had) served in shot glasses. Vive la France!

We made noise again at 8 pm. I'm thinking of breaking out my violin one of these evenings...maybe something lively like a fiddling tune.

Despite the empty streets, we have run into three of our best friends in the last 2 days. (Don't worry, we kept far away from each other!). Living in Old Nice is village life at its best: you head out your door--even during a lockdown--and inevitably run into people you know.

Zari and Ivy started their school homework. It's a major job keeping track of 4 kids' assignments. So many worksheets to print, scan, and submit. I have resigned myself to not being able to work much, if at all, on my own projects.

Speaking of work: my immediate goal is to create an online breech course. David and I want to re-record all of our lectures with good quality equipment and produce professional quality films. We're also thinking of creating a series of shorter seminars where we watch & discuss new birth videos and offer regular live conference calls as an opportunity for discussion and Q&A.

I'm hoping to offer some sort of deep discount given that almost everyone will be affected by COVID-19 this year. Taking a virtual course will also come with a discount towards a future in-person breech workshop (effectively giving you 2 workshops for close to the price of 1!)

So, for your enjoyment, pictures and movies from today. The drawings are Zari's, all for a school assignment.

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