
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

French déconfinement day 17

It's Wednesday, which means no school for elementary-aged kids. So everyone was home all day. By time mid-afternoon hit, we were all going a bit crazy from all the noise. Good, happy noise but still noise. Dio and Inga are the worst culprits.

I was tending sourdough bread, so I stayed behind while Eric brought the 3 youngest kids back to the Paillon. Today the channel was deeper and straighter until it hit the beach, where it did a hard right. I missed most of the fun but came for the last 20 minutes.

Zari and I went on a walk in the evening, because she had been inside all day. She is very concerned about the future of our planet--the environment in particular--and wants to find a job that will "save the world." She keeps lamenting how humans are so intelligent and ingenious, yet human nature also means that we end up destroying our own planet because we lack the political or social will for the actions that would keep our planet healthy and thriving.

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