
Thursday, May 14, 2020

French déconfinement day 4

12,172 steps

Ivy came home from school with a big smile: it wasn't as scary after all. Her class only had 6 students. For recess, they couldn't play close together so they figured out a game hopping from one social distancing X to another. Dio complained that school was boring. His class was held outside all day--I highly approve.

I feel like I hardly got out today, yet I got in over 12,000 steps. I retraced my day and realized that I had gone to the grocery store, the thrift store, to Ivy's school to pick her up, and then on our normal evening walk. And today was fairly sedentary in comparison to normal.

I'd say that about half the people outside are wearing masks. It's mandatory in public transport and in some stores, highly recommended in other settings. But people--you can't put a mask under your nose or chin and think it will protect you! If you wear it wrong, you're probably worse off than not wearing a mask at all.

I typically don't wear a mask when I'm outside walking around. Before I go into a store, I pull the mask out of its ziploc bag, put the mask on, and don't touch it until I leave the store. Then I spray the mask and the plastic bag with alcohol and put the mask away for cleaning at home.

A big portion of the Promenade des Anglais has been converted into a bike path, making the street 1-way. This just happened last week and it feels really transgressive to go on it.

Zari and I reading after dinner. She's reading more Shannara books; I'm on book 10 of Mercy Thompson.

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