
Sunday, November 29, 2020

French quarantine 2.0, day 9

8,525 steps 

Well, today was a fail! 

We had a relaxing morning together and then headed out after lunch to hike le Chemin de Nietzsche. This is a short but intense hike from Eze Plage up to the perched medieval village of Eze. 

We got everything packed up, brought along a friend of Ivy's, and had plans to meet another family at the base of the hike. And...our car wouldn't start. 

We had gotten it started just this past week but today: nothing. We didn't have any jumper cables. So we tried the next best thing: rolling it down a very steep hill and trying to get it started that way. It gave a few tiny little coughs...but nothing worked. 

At the base of the hill, we realized we were in more trouble than we'd thought. We got several people to help us push the car into a side street. 

Plan B: buy some cables. Eric ran off to the nearest store--which was a feat in itself, as it was a Sunday afternoon and most places were closed. Well, plan B didn't work either! We got the cables and our friend came with his car to give us a jumpstart. Nada. Our car wouldn't even turn over. 

Okay, on to plan C: call the roadside assistance provided by our car insurance. I brought the kids inside to watch a movie while Eric waited with the car. The dépanneur (or dépanneuse, as it was a woman) came and tried all of her tricks and nothing would work. 

Okay, on to plan D: the dépanneuse towed our car away and will bring it to a mechanic tomorrow. Once we find someone who can look at it! We don't know what's going on, but it might be the starter? Or some other electrical issue of some sort. 

I hate not knowing how to fix things. Give me anything on a house and I know what to do. But a car...I am helpless. 

So yeah, our hiking plans were foiled!

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