
Thursday, August 12, 2021

French apartment renovations, Day 234: Hot is relative + 3 showers + lots accomplished

5,613 steps

Wow, it looks like I sat around all day, according to my fitness tracker! But in fact I was working hard in the communist apartment. We have normal summer temperatures this week, really for the first time. 30-31 C. Hot but not like the terrible heat wave Sicily is experiencing, with record highs of 48.8 C (119.8 F).

We started our day with having the kids clean the apartment staircase from top to bottom. Our building hires a cleaning person to come twice a month, but she has refused to come for the past two months "because it will just get dirty again." Um, yes, that is exactly the point--we pay her to clean it! We don't rely solely on her; we do sweep and mop whenever we have a particularly dusty day of renovating. But her JOB is LITERALLY to clean, and now she says she won't clean it unless it's clean.

The rest of the day was installing the ceiling drywall and painting a special primer in the shower area. We'll install the waterproofing membrane on top of this area tomorrow.

Eric and I went back to work after dinner--unusual for us--because we were motivated to get it DONE. Now we just have 3 pieces of drywall to put up on that last wall. That's for tomorrow. I'm so excited to have this big step behind us!

We sent the kids out in the afternoon to the coulée verte while we had a RDV with our bank. They helped tremendously in the morning and deserved some play time.

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