Friday, October 21, 2022

Clean house

After unseasonably cold weather, we had a lovely day, warm enough for short sleeves! We took advantage of the sun and warmth to wash another side of the house. Eric was waaaaay up high on the 28' extension ladder and I was providing moral support and (futiley) holding the ladder.

He had to wrap a garbage bag around his middle because our sprayer started leaking, and the washing liquid stings bare skin. He called it his "diaper."

Our kids babysat two young boys from the neighborhood all afternoon. As a result, they were all busy playing and running around. Once the boys were picked up, they stayed outside and played more. Eventually the three girls ended up on our porch roof (with my permission).

As you can see in the video, the front facade on the 3rd story still needs to be cleaned. It has a black residue that makes it look really old and nasty. We cleaned the soffits below and the porch trim about two months ago.

I walked for several hours on my treadmill. It was nice to move my body again and then to be outside after so long indoors.


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