
Saturday, March 18, 2023

French apartment renovations, Day 647: Couscous

Ivy and Inga both had games at Cavigal. Ivy wasn't schedule to play today, but she was invited to sit with her team. They won 6-1 and there was much rejoicing. Inga's team lost 1-2, with Inga scoring the only goal. It was beautiful. 

Afterwards, a group of moms organized a couscous lunch. I was chatting with one of them about the different kinds of couscous. She was Tunisian and their couscous is red and spicy. Moroccan couscous (which we ate today) has a yellow sauce, while Algerian couscous has a white sauce. I'm sure they are all delicious in their own ways.

Besides a large plate of couscous, vegetables, garbanzo beans, lamb, and merguez sausage, Ivy ate 3 clementines, and 3 bananas! How does she fit it in?

We put the scaffolding up on the mezzanine (on its side) and gave the floors a final sanding. Right after dinner, my dad and I applied the first coat. So satisfying!

We'll do the last two coats on Monday, let everything cure on Tuesday, and then we can start walking (carefully) on the floors on Wednesday.

I finished the last of the ceiling stencils today! I love being able to finish a task and NEVER EVER have to do it again for the foreseeable future.

It was the one day this week when I could sleep in. So naturally I woke up at 6:40 am after going to bed way too late (not on purpose, I just had so much to do after getting back from the theater). I'm tired.

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