
Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Camping & semifinals

We got everyone off and the car packed (barely--Eric had to work to shut the back hatch). Now it's just me, Ivy, and Eric's sister.

Ivy and I went grocery shopping in the morning to stock up. I really tried to buy for two people...and failed! I just can't do it! It was way too hot hauling all the groceries home in the unrelenting sun. Summer weather is definitely here.

Ivy spent some time with my sister-in-law while I did video editing (Breech Pro will soon be available in Italian!!). Then we all took a walk, equipped with a spray bottle to stay cool, to the local furniture consignment store.

I made a huge batch of masaman curry (adding sweet potatoes, zucchini, and bell peppers) and red rice. Ivy crafted a delicious fruit salad. We have enough curry lefovers for another meal, so that's now tucked away in the freezer.

We're watching the Euro Cup semi-finals, France vs. Spain. France scored right away, but then Spain scored twice, all fairly early on. We're now into the second half with Spain still ahead 2-1. I hear the campers are watching it, too (because campgrounds in France are way more luxurious than in the US! theirs even has a heated pool).

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