
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Nursing Acrobatics

I woke up this morning with a tennis-ball sized lump in my left breast, and a nasty red patch on the skin. Yes, it was a plugged duct and possibly mastitis. A phone call to my local LLL leader gave me some great ideas. The funniest--and most effective one--was to nurse Zari upside down so her chin would point towards the affected area. So I plunked Zari on the bed, got on my hands and knees over her, bent down, and latched her on. I think she was a bit surprised but she gave it a go for a few minutes. When she was done I pumped upside down for about 20 minutes and voila! The duct was unplugged. What relief!

I really really don't want to have mastitis so I am taking it easy today--no lap swimming especially. I need a good book to read...

Zari is feeling much better and back to her normal exuberant self. She laughed for the first time today--a full-out belly laugh! Eric was holding her, and I was putting my hair in a ponytail and saying something about nursing her. Apparently that was hilarious.


  1. I am pleased to hear that she is belly-laughing. She sounds like she is getting more delightful everyday. Yeah!

  2. Glad to hear that she is better, but NOT glad to hear that you've got what is hopefully not mastitis! Yucky! Sending you quick healing vibes...I've been whipping up extra batches lately to keep the strep throat at bay so you can have some! ;)


  3. Just stumbled across your blog. I adore the diaper cover in your main pic!! It's goregous.

    We've got an acrobatic nurser too - he likes to stick his bottom under my chin, and nurse on all fours.

    Hope you're feeling well from the mastitis :(
