
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Where did FPMama go?

I just noticed that the FPMama blog is gone, and now there's some inane post about Angelina Jolie instead. What happened? I am quite sad--she had some great stories and fantastic insights.


  1. She's been gone since Monday, and I am very sad. I loved what she wrote, and I think it is a tragedy that her common-sense, real-life birth stories are gone. Hopefully she will come back.

  2. I've missed her too!

  3. OH NO!!! :( I hadn't checked her blog in a while since she doesn't update much. That sucks!


  4. I noticed her blog is down too. It seems that lately there are quite a few doctors and midwives pulling their blogs. I wonder what is going on?

  5. I enjoyed her blog too! I hadn't checked it in awhile because I've been busy, but I am really sad it's down. I hope nothing happened to her, legally or otherwise.

  6. So I'm not the only one paranoid to think it's legal trouble? I googled the blog for a cached version and it's from a year ago. No email address is given in her profile. How in the world are we gonna find her? Assuming she wants to be found of course...

  7. Boy, Judit, I'm with you on worrying about the legal trouble.

    When I first noticed the blog was down, I remembered a comment on one of her earlier posts. She has mentioned that she lives in a small town, and the commenter wanted to know how she was able to give such detailed accounts of the births. I sure hope she was getting permission to share because I would be so sad to see her disappear forever because some person/s got disgruntled and made a stink.

    It makes me wish that I was more careful about checking the comments section, rather than just seeing that there wasn't anything new, and moving on. Coulda-shoulda-woulda.

  8. I noticed that she was gone on Monday also. I really enjoyed her posts. I whoever this is using the address now realizes that they aren't goning to have many readers. If FPMama happens to read this, you will be missed!!

  9. She took it down on purpose, she had ethical concerns about confidentiality. I'm sad to see it go too! I love her writing style, and she is one of the few sane voices in obstetrics.

  10. I just googled fpmama to see what came up and discovered your blog. I hope fpmama resurfaces soon. Her birth stories and the way she practices are great.

  11. I was just looking for her and I found your blog. I'm so dissapointed that she is gone :(
