
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Hospital Birth with Dr. Biter

Here is a vision of how hospital birth could be. I don't know if I feel encouraged or discouraged about this birth--encouraged that such a respectful, patient OB exists, or discouraged that this kind of birth doesn't happen more often in hospitals. I love the pictures of mom laboring on her hands & knees in the middle of all of the technology, and the doctor in a plain old t-shirt looking every bit as casual as the dad.


  1. I just read that three times in a row, and gazed at the photos for a good half-hour. What an incredible, moving story! If it had been a homebirth it would have been par for the course, but the fact that it took place in a hospital with an OB in attendance just astounds me! Dr. Wonderful, indeed! :)


  2. Wow, great link - thanks! I'm surprised to see all the IV lines after everything else. Funny. Now if only we could clone Dr. Ab. Wonderful! I hope some other folks around him start to take note. Where is this?? Any idea what part of the country?

  3. About the IV--you have to remember that at first, both the nurse and the MW (who became the woman's doula) were sure the woman was going to have a C-section because of the low heart tones. The MW mentioned that they were prepping the woman for surgery before the doctor arrived and realized the low heart rate was just a vagal response and not anything that warranted surgery. I'd hazard a guess the IV was placed as part of the C/S prep.

    He's in the San Diego area in one of the city's two Baby-Friendly hospitals.

  4. How cool was that!? I wish that were the norm in hospitals.

  5. Wow, serendipity brought me here, I guess! I'm a friend of Judit's and love your blog. My first child was a hospital birth that was actually pretty OK (the post-birth procedures weren't though) but I am thinking of having a 2nd child and am concerned to plan things differently this time. I am considering homebirth, a birth center, or even a hospital birth. I am in San Diego. Can you tell me what hospital this was in?? I must know! Thanks!! :)

  6. I don't know the hospital's name, but it's one of 2 Baby Friendly ones in the whole city. You can contact Navelgazing Midwife as well to learn where and who it was...she's a home birth midwife in San Diego by the way.

    There's also one free-standing birth center in SD:

  7. Oh, thanks, I will look into it! Definitely considering Best Start. A friend of mine had her daughter there and recommends it highly. I know there are many excellent homebirth midwives in the area, too, if we decide to go that route. Thanks again!!

  8. i believe that it was at UCSD, but i could be wrong.
    hopefully, he will be my backup for my homebirth in november!

  9. Yes, I'm pretty sure that's where it was. Good luck with your upcoming birth!

  10. The hospital was Scripps Encinitas... the absolutely most receptive hospital in San Diego to natural birthing styles.

    The birth center IN UCSD Hospital in Hillcrest is delightfully staffed with only CNMs and I have attended great births there, too. However, when the births are in L&D, they become much more technical, but have still been more lovely than many births around the city... that's, of course, if the midwives are "directing" the birth and not the OBs or Residents. Then, all bets are off.

    To contact me, see my site at - email me anytime!

    (And I've moved my blog to a site that isn't censoring me...
