
Saturday, December 08, 2007

Under pressure

I contacted one of my advisers about deadlines for finishing the dissertation and graduating. If I want to graduate this spring semester, I have to have the dissertation finished a month before my defense date. Which means I have to have it done by early April! So the pressure is on to get the last two chapters written so my dissertation adviser can read them and give me feedback. Then I will do a round of revisions and send each revised chapter to my four other committee members. Once they read each chapter and give me comments/suggestions, I will do yet another round of revisions (hopefully fairly minor at this point) and have the finished product done about 4 months from now.

Some goals to get me from point A to point B:
  • Finish chapter #5 by this weekend
  • Write chapter #6 in December (chapter about the interplay of midwifery and UC)
  • Write chapter #7 in January (conclusion: looking at existing birth paradigms, suggesting new conceptual models that include UC)
  • Start sending out revised chapters to committee members in January& early February (this depends on how quickly I get comments back from my adviser)
  • Receive comments from all committee members on all chapters by early-mid March
  • Do final revisions last few weeks of March
Can I do it? We'll see...I really don't want to delay this any longer, since I am now paying tuition (over $800/semester for a zero-credit continuous enrollment) for the privilege of writing my dissertation.


  1. Good luck! YOU CAN DO IT! :D

  2. Here is to cheer you on!!!

  3. My son is a few months younger than your daughter and my dissertation will take a few months longer than yours. Every time I struggle with writing I think about my little guy - I want him to be proud of his mama and I want to be sure that the time spent writing is not lost.

    I'm sure you will do it - patiently waiting to read your "DONE!" post somewhere in spring :)

  4. Good luck you're really brave to want to do so much work. It's hard enough for me to want to get a bachelors and I'am only a freshman. I can't imagine getting masters or PH.D
    Cassandra from

  5. If anyone can do it it's you. Don't forget you can always go back and tweak it for the edition that is destined for the New York Times nonfiction bestseller list!
    I remember that enrollment fee... my dpt decided we'd just make up an excuse for a one-credit seminar and enroll our ph.d. students and that would cost less...

  6. Good luck, Rixa. I can't wait to read it. :)

  7. Sending good writing energy your way! Show me how it's done.

  8. All the support in the world...
    Love Joy
