
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Belly shot: 26 weeks pregnant

26.4 weeks from LMP. I really need to get some sunshine (which is easier said than done in this climate--it's either so cold you can't let any skin be exposed, or it's overcast, or both).

And now my freakout moment: this was me at 27 weeks (25 weeks gestation ) with Zari:
This was me at 35 weeks (33 weeks gestation) with Zari.
I gave birth to her just 3 weeks later:

I am SO much bigger this time!


  1. I was the same way second time round - scary, isn't it! We'll see if it gets even wrose wtih #3...

  2. agh can't type... I meant worse with #3...

  3. Oh my gosh, I don't even want to hear it. You were TINY your 1st pregnancy, and EVERYONE is bigger their 2nd pregnancy than the 1st. I agree with TopHat- you look great.

  4. you look so great. like a first time mom! okay i was all belly my first, but my second i was ginormous!! i mean even by 13 weeks i had more than just a pooch.



  5. Ooh, thanks for those very cute belly shots. I really want to do a belly cast this time around. I bought all the materials but Zari came out before I ever got one made. This time I'm doing one at 36 weeks.

  6. But you are so cute!

    I'm much, much bigger this time, and I'm so excited about it!

  7. heh

    That was five chuckles from this five baby havin' old blob. You look normal, great, wonderful. That first time pic is just REALLY small for 35 weeks.

    I was the same way though believe it or not, I was very in shape, 22 years old midsection had strong muscles that held all that biz-niss in the first time round. I WAITED and WANTED to show and really hardly looked 6 months pregnant, if that, at the end of my first preg with a 9 pound girl.

    I wont say what everyone else already has, but yeah. Second time is crazy shocking. the others, kind of. I dont know anyone who has not been the same way. I was lookin awesome with 12 pound, 42 week Charlie, baby #4 (NOT)!

    I am just loving all of these pics and all of you preggos are SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Yep. I'm going to go with Joy on this one. Rixa, you were amazingly tiny with Zari. And now you still look wonderful, though not as tiny as last time. Hmm, that was supposed to come out better than it did.

    I stayed pretty small with #1, but my pics of #2 are just shocking. SHOCKING! I'm glad they aren't digital so I never feel the need to post them. Honestly, I think I was smaller with #3 and #4 than I was with #2.

  9. Maybe there's twins in there! That would be fun!

  10. I guess I should clarify that "freakout" didn't necessarily mean in a bad way, just "oh my goodness am I really that much bigger???" I knew I was showing more but hadn't put the pictures side-by-side until today.

  11. My first went to 42.5 weeks and I was HUGE!!! I think I am actually a little smaller with my second pregnancy.

  12. Wait till you have #3!!
    You don't look 'big' this time; but you did look small with Zari at 35 weeks :)

  13. you can have some of our sunshine ;-) PLEASE! You were ridiculaously tiny with Zari. Still small now! ahh

  14. Sorry, no sympathy here, gained 70# with my 1st! ...and you are GORGEOUS w/ both babes!

  15. to be fair.. you were very much on the small side last time around. you could have passed for me at 24 weeks in your 36 shot!

  16. Ha! I know, with #2 for me, I pooched out immediately (I mean, immediately!) and gained all my weight in the first few months.

    Completely different than the first -- didn't even show until almost four months.

  17. Yup, told ya then. Your Zari belly was just amazingly teensie :D

  18. Maybe you are bigger because it is a boy this time around. I looked like you did when you had Zari, when I had Brianne--and she was my second. She kicked a lot less too. Girls are just nicer-jk!

  19. And yet you are still HALF the size I am and we are just about the same amount of weeks along! I don't know what it is about my tiny body frame that insists on getting HUGE when preggers!!?

  20. Rixa, I was twice that with my 1st pregnancy! I think some babies just carry big. (and probably some ladies, like myself -- by the end it was like 2 kingsized pillows strapped to my tummy and she was a term, avg sized kid).

    Me at 26w

    Me at nearly 38w

    I delivered at 39w3d.

    I can imagine how mindblowing it would be to carry so differently, though!
