
Monday, February 16, 2009

Belly shot: 29 weeks pregnant

29.2 weeks from LMP. Fundal height is right around 30 cms, FHTs usually in the mid-140s, lots of movement as usual. I think I'm getting close to the "ack! this baby is really coming soon" stage of pregnancy. I have all these things I want to get done before the baby arrives: sending my book proposal to publishers, doing a belly cast, having a Mother Blessing ceremony, making a silk painting to hang in my birthing room, painting the dining room...


  1. You look wonderful, though for some reason you look slightly smaller than last week. :)

    When do you expect to get your book proposal out? I'd love to see your book on bookstore shelves.

  2. Yeah, it's funny how I do kind of look smaller. Must be how the baby is lying in the 2 pictures, because my belly is measuring bigger (slightly, I mean it's only 1 week difference) and I have been gaining about 1 lb/week for the past several weeks--which I am quite happy with. It's about the right time for a growth spurt.

  3. Oh, the book proposal...I really should be working on it more. My goal is to get everything sent off before the baby arrives.

  4. What's a Mother Blessing ceremony?

  5. LOL, I think I was in the "ack! baby coming soon!" stage my ENTIRE second pregnancy. Because I had soooo much crap to get done. I've looked back on my blog entries during that time and they are hilarious. "Oh no, only 7 months left!" "Oh no, only 5 months left!" "Oh no, only 10 weeks left!" "OMGAHHHSIXWEEKSLEFT!!!!"

  6. you look fantastic!!!!
    you'll most likely get all those things done by week 38 and then you'll be going nuts with anticipation and nothing to work on -- hehe! i wanted so much to have a mother blessing ceremony, but i didn't have many female friends who would understand and want to be involved. :(

  7. Well, I don't have any close female friends here who know what a mother blessing is but I don't think that will stop me this time! I'll just invite a select group of people who are the closest to me (as much as they can be, since I just moved here in the late summer) and we'll have fun anyway.

  8. You know I'd give you one...
    wish we were closer!
