
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pregnant UCers wanted for Good Morning America interview

I've been corresponding with a producer at Good Morning America, and they are doing a piece about unassisted birth. They want to interview a woman planning a UC, preferably pregnant and due fairly soon, since their show will air in mid-to-late May. They'd also like to show video footage of the labor & birth if you're willing to share it. If this applies to any of you, please contact:

Mable Chan
Coordinating Producer
Good Morning America Weekend Edition


  1. Sounds interesting. Will you be part of this special too? Please post the date when you know.

  2. Oh, I'm glad the temptation to respond has been taken away. If they are looking for a pregnant UCing mama who will be giving birth imminently, that's not me. I hope to still be happily pregnant to the end of May. o birth footage from me! Besides, I would not want to deal with that level of complicatedness at my birth. Power to anyone willing to take up that cross.
