
Sunday, May 03, 2009

One week

It's another quiet, sunny Sunday morning. Was it already a week ago that I was laboring and finally admitting to myself that this was it? The house is empty except for Dio and me. My mom went to church and the rest of us decided to stay home. Eric and Zari are on a bike ride, giving me some quiet time. Dio was wide awake for two hours this morning, so now he's sleeping soundly in his cradle (see picture below).

I feel wonderful. Except for the postpartum belly and some mild tenderness in my bottom, I'd never guess I just had a baby. I went outside with Dio for the first time yesterday. My mom deep cleaned our car, the neighbors came by to see the baby, Eric mowed the lawn and built another wire cage to cover our raised bed gardens, and Zari played on the swing. I mostly sat and nursed Dio. Well, I did plant a 4x4 raised bed with carrots, beets, lettuce mix, mustard green mix, mesclun mix, mache, celery, kale, and more. Mmmmmm...

My milk was in in full force by day 3 after the birth. I was wicked engorged and well beyond a DD. I joked with Eric that having a baby gives you a free, temporary, and reversible boob job--except you never know what size you will end up with! By yesterday the engorgement had all dissipated. Dio is a very strong nurser, with much longer, deeper sucks than Zari. I'd like to film him nursing, because you can really see those long sucks with the characteristic pause before the swallow. If it doesn't get banned from Youtube, which happened with a short movie of newborn Zari latching on and nursing.

We're still trying to figure out a middle name for Dio. Here are a few possibilities we've been floating around:
  • Dio Edward (after my mom's grandfather)
  • Dio Brent (after my dad)
  • Dio Spencer (after my maiden name)
  • Dio Ash (if we continue our tradition of basing the middle name on the placenta's appearance, as we did with Zari's rose-shaped placenta print). I don't know if Dio's placenta looks like an ash tree per se, but it sounded better than "Dio Hemlock"!
  • Then Eric's proclaimed favorite, in jest of course: Dio Jesus (pronounced "Hey-soos"). He joked that since Dio means "God" in Italian, we needed a "Jesus" to add some symmetry. And the initials would be DJ Freeze.
May Day! 5 days old
Story time with grandma and big sister
6 days old
This is my life, as arranged by Zari:
mama bear nursing Zari bear (on the left) and Dio bear
7 days old
We put him in cloth two days ago and were quite happy to stop using disposables.
In the cradle my dad made for me when I was born. Zari also slept in this cradle.
My favorite picture so far


  1. that's a beautiful cradle.
    my dad made one for my brother when he was a baby, so all the kids, and all the grandbabies (including my kiddos) have all slept in it. =)

    he didn't use a single nail in it. just tongue and groove and glue.

  2. I am sure you will get tons of feedback on which middle name is best....I go for Dio Spencer for the same reason you said- its my maiden name too!

    Congrats on Dio and a wonderful birth. I enjoyed your story and the pictures.

  3. oh man- he's gorgeous! and that cradle...what a treasure you have in that.
    sounds like you guys are having a lovely transition time. i'm so glad to hear that you are feeling well!

  4. it's none of my business but i also reallly like dio spencer freeze!

  5. What a beautiful cradle.
    I laughed so hard at Dio Jesus. I actually really like it :D
    Second best for me is also Dio Spencer.
    Man, you make me want another baby.

  6. I loooove the name Brent. But I'm going to throw in a vote for Dio Spencer. Dio Spencer Freeze just sounds like a great name.

    Good to hear you're feeling great, Rixa, and he is just stunning.

  7. Such a handsome boy!! I, too, like Spencer! I love the diaper photo. I have one similar photo of each of the three kids. It's taken the same day old and everything.

  8. oh I LOVE DJ Freeze!!! LOL

    My husband have a running joke of adding "dj" in front of everyone's name. everyone sounds funnier with "dj" in front of their name, you can't help but smile.

    (I had my UC baby today, btw!!! One week after yours - at 42 week! woohoo!)

  9. Lauramamadoula--congrats on your new baby!

  10. OK, even if you don't use Jesus, you HAVE to give a J name so his initials will be DJ Freeze. TOO FUNNY.

  11. My goodness, he's beautiful. And I love Zari's nursing bear.

  12. I vote for Dio Spencer. Nice pictures- what a cutie.

  13. If you are taking votes on the middle name, I really like Dio Ash. :-)

    He's such a great looking baby. I'm so happy for you and your 1 week old!

  14. Rixa, I am just so loving all of this! the grandmother helping you, Zari tandem nursing, the placenta prints, the name choices (Spencer is so cool, to preserve YOUR name!) the cloth diapers, you resting, him nursing so well...

    just beaming from ear to ear for you all. Oh and the cradle--just precious!

  15. I'm so happy you're enjoying your new baby. I'm getting all gushy and happy.

    I know it's not a democratic process, but I'm liking Dio Ash.

    You definitely film him nursing. I missed documenting that stuff with my son, and I wish I had . . . especially so that I could post it all over the internet to "stick it to the man!"

  16. Oh, he's so beautiful; they bother are. It sounds like it was a wonderful Sunday. I'm a little jealous.

  17. I love Dio Spencer, but that's just my two cents. It took me three boys to finally get one with a middle name of my maiden name. Not sure why it took so long. :)

    That picture of the nursing Mama Bear is very sweet. Do they nurse at the same time sometimes? I'll bet you were glad to have her help out when you were so engorged.

  18. Um...oops. That last one was me. I forgot I was signed onto my husband's account. No, you're not being stalked, just in case you were wondering who Jonny B was. :)

  19. So sweet. He is a beautiful baby. I like Dio Ash, though Dio Jesus would be an interesting choice. :)

    I love that you have that cradle. How special!

  20. Dio Spencer sounds great, though I love the idea of a tree name to preserve the theme. How about Dio Rowan?

  21. I think Dio Edward has the best ring to it, but I also like Spencer because of the connection.


  22. Hi There,
    Wow, all my best to you and your amazing family. Having just read your last three posts I am filled with awe with Dio's birth story.
    I am 35 weeks pregnant with my first child, and living as an expat in Brussels, Belgium, have been using resources such as your blog to feel a sense of women-non-medicalized community that is lacking greatly in this country. Being able to read your newest birth story has given me the courage and stregnth to keep fighting for my right to home birth. More importantly you have given me a re-newed sense of self confidence in my ability to manage my labour and birth without intervention (after a wretched and forced consultant visit last wee).
    You are amazing woman-hero. Thank you for sharing your story - I hope you realize the impact you have on people.
    I wish and send the happiest wishes and thoughts to all four of you.

    Be well!
