
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Babies (the movie)

The Motherwear Breastfeeding Blog alerted me to a new documentary coming out this April: Babies.  It follows four babies from Namibia, San Francisco, Tokyo, and Mongolia through their first year of life. I can't wait to see it!


  1. That looks great! I'd love to see it, too.

  2. One of my midwife friends just Facebooked me about this movie. I can not wait!

  3. this looks thoroughly fabulous! thanks for the wise up!

  4. I will post the link for my family and friends also. I love the trailer, can't wait to see the rest of the stories!

  5. Thanks for posting this trailer. Watching it made my morning infinitely better!

  6. Looks like I will be buying another movie. Super excited to see it.

  7. How lovely! I love to see the similarities and differences around the world, especially since I have a 9mos old right now. Makes it seem such a small world.

  8. Wow, this looks amazing. Seeing those babies from such different places all acting like babies, all the same in so many ways is really moving.

  9. I posted this on my blog last week too. I cannot wait!

    What made it all the more precious to me was the lulling sounds of Sufjan Stevens in the background. This is going to be an excellent film!

  10. This looks really interesting! can't wait to see it!

  11. Looks awesome!!!!!!! I can't wait to see all the differences.

  12. LOL! I just watched the trailer and the goat at the end made me laugh until I was choking!

  13. that seems like its going to be super!

  14. Wow, that brings back memories of my time in Mongolia. What a great idea. It really is amazing how different those cultures are. And yet in all of them babies thrive and grow and become happy children and adults. Thanks for sharing, can't wait to see it.
