
Saturday, February 20, 2010

This is what 9 months does to siblings

From 2 days old... now


  1. dio is almost bigger than zari!
    so much for good nutrition and exercise!

  2. They are so sweet together. Zari seems to really enjoy being a big sister! I wish my two boys got along as well as it seems your two do (ds1 is 3y3m and ds2 is 12m)!

  3. Dio is HUGE!!! What a big strong boy!

  4. Your children are beautiful! I love how much you can tell that they love each other.
    Dio is catching up with Zari fast!

  5. so sweet! love this post-thanks for sharing. They are beautiful, sweet-faced and very loved, I know =)

  6. That's stunning! Thanks for sharing the progression.....x

  7. Next up: black eyes and great stories.

  8. Aww! They are so sweet together. My daughter is 3 years older than her little brother, and I watched a similar amazing progression - from little dollbaby brother (she dressed up around him as he lay on the floor) to almost-peer. They're 7.5 and 4.5 now, and for us at least, a lovely age spread. They did have some sibling growing pains as it went from, Owen will do any job (in the imaginary play) you give him, happily, just to be included to Owen has ideas too and you need to let him participate in planning/executing. But they have/are figuring it out and it's so much fun to watch!

  9. Precious! Thanks for this great reminder of how fast it all goes! They are so so cute.
