
Sunday, March 07, 2010

Writing contest sponsor: Hooked in Harmony

I am pleased to announce our newest writing contest sponsor: Hooked in Harmony!
Hooked in Harmony has over 25 years of crocheting experience and puts those skills to use making cotton play food.  Hooked in Harmony makes life-size play food to fit everyone's appetite and offers everything from fruit to french fries, from sushi to sandwiches.  They are inspired by common, everyday foods that most children are familiar with.  They can be reached at
Hooked in Harmony is pleased to offer $25 worth of play food to one of the writing contest winners! 
Are you hungry yet? 


  1. This is sooooooo cute! I love it!

  2. These are the cutest things ever. My husband is the crotcheter (is that a word?) in our family, and I might just push his buttons to try something like these.
