
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pregnancy update: 28 weeks

I haven't taken any belly shots since I was 20 weeks along. Today I rigged up an elaborate tower with the camera on top and asked Zari to push the button.
Here's me 28 weeks with Dio...
27 weeks with Zari:
30 weeks with Zari:
How much bigger will I get this time???

This pregnancy's theme is "get things done." I've nearly finished Dio's birth quilt. I machine quilted most of the squares; the rest will need hand quilting because of the designs. I definitely plan to have it finished and hanging up before the next baby comes.

We've also decided to entirely renovate our downstairs bathroom. Demolition begins in mid-December, and we HAVE to get it finished quickly. A) because I have to pee in the middle of the night and it's a long, long trek all the way across the house and up a very steep staircase to our other bathroom, and B) because, after all, I'm having a baby in February and won't be able to work on it after the baby is born. I'm really excited about the renovation. Right now it's a cramped, poorly designed room with ugly, cheap fixtures and no tub at all, just a shower. I drew up plans that make a much larger, open space with an oversize whirlpool tub plus a shower, sink, and toilet and higher ceilings (our bathroom's ceilings were dropped to 8', but they could go back up to the original 10' height). All without moving any walls, except for a small bumpout into our master bedroom for the sink. I bought a jacuzzi tub on Craiglist (exactly the size & style I was looking for, 72"x42") for $100, including a nice faucet. Because we saved so much on the tub, we decided to hire a plumber to help us get the bathroom done faster. We'll do everything else ourselves, with some help from my dad.

I read a lot of pregnancy/birth/breastfeeding books during my other pregnancies, but this time around I haven't read any, except ones I'm reviewing. I have practically memorized all of the birth books I own, so it's just not as interesting reading them again for the fourth or fifth time.

I've been leaving this baby alone more than my other pregnancies. (Or should I say neglecting?) Because I had such a hard time locating heart tones earlier on, I stopped trying for a while. Two days ago, I listened again and found the heartbeat quickly and easily. I guess the baby is big enough now that it can't hide any longer! I'm not going to worry about the baby's position until at least 34 weeks or later; I had too much self-inflicted stress when I was pregnant with Dio over whether he was breech or transverse.

I had about 2 months of fairly decent sleep, but now my hips are starting to ache more and more at night. It's not the pelvis or joints, just a muscle/pressure point ache on the outside of my hip/leg from sleeping on my side. The last few hours of sleep are really fitful, because both sides ache equally bad by that point and I can only stay on one side for a few minutes at a time. What I really need is a mattress or mattress topper with a bowl-shaped hole right where my hips go...I've seen inflatable maternity mattresses that do this, but never anything designed for a real bed.

I'm just reaching that threshhold where, instead of the birth seeming far off in the future, it's coming up almost too quickly. Am I ready for another baby? Another labor and birth?


  1. Please take before and after pics of the renovation! Best of luck with number 3!!

  2. I'm on my first pregnancy (25 weeks) but I've read my fair share of books, and NONE of them have mentioned the incredibly horrific hip pain I've been experiencing! (None of the blogs I read have ever mentioned it either, I thought I was a crazy broken-hipped woman!) So I just wanted to thank you for making me feel like I'm not alone by letting me know that I'm not the only one struggling to sleep for reasons that don't seem to be solved by putting a pillow between my knees :)

  3. Oh those muscle pains! Sometimes I still have those from nursing on one side too long at night- my muscles just hurt! How are your veins doing? Is that TMI? I was just thinking about how you're doing with those. I hope you have found some relief.

  4. I have hip pain related to too tight/too loose muscles over the SI joints, and/or the joints themselves. We have a wonderful bed with a memory foam topper. It feels supportive, but yet yields to the hips when side laying. You can get just a memory foam topper from most bedding type places.

  5. I have a really deep memory foam topper, and it helps--but I still get that pressure point pain. It's definitely better than without the topper, though (which we bought when I was pregnant with Dio).

  6. My veins don't bother me too much because I have been wearing thigh-high high-compression hose (20-30 mmHg) since around 20 weeks pregnant. I put them on as soon as I've showered and don't take them off until right before bedtime. I am just so glad that the last half of my pregnancy is in fall/winter. It would be miserable wearing the hose in the summer.

  7. I had the hip pain too, so I used about 7 different pillows and built myself a nest with a hole for my belly to hang down. Wish I would've done it sooner than the last 3 weeks! Hope you can figure something out! If you want to spend money, you could probably buy a pillow like those used by prenatal massage therapists...

  8. You have seen a matress like that??? O how I longed for one last time around!!! I dreamed up all ind of crazy concections for sleeeping to relieve my hip pain. None worked. Instead I felt like I wore a "hole" in my matress. ugh.

    You look so good!

  9. When you mentioned the mattress topper I did a quick google search and found this:
    With my pregnancies I end up sleeping on the couch most of the time with one of my legs flung over the back. Good luck!

  10. You look so great, yes you will get bigger each baby, and no I dont miss those horrid pains.

    I was going to say memory foam, but maybe since you already have that, a million pillows all tucked around you might help some...I used to dream of a floatation tank where I could just be hung around the chin and just float (and pee LOL) all night.

    I am happy to read that you are not going to freak out about breech and whatnot, its way too early and you are way too busy with your kids. I know by each subsequent baby you feel like whoops i forgot to stare at my belly all day or i forgot to even think about the prengnancy for hours-- but the babies never know the difference :) and probably love all that extra be-bopping around we have to do to chase toddlers, etc!


  11. Wow, I can't believe you are already 28 weeks! It seems like just yesterday I was reading on here you were expecting:) I so relate about not reading the baby books with #3, I didn't either.

  12. I love reading your updates. I think that our due dates must be very close because tomorrow my baby will be at 29 weeks. This is my first child. I too have just started having extra hip pain at night. Oh the tossing! Anyways, thanks for letting me read along
    Em (the mouse)

  13. Your blog really got me pumped up for my 3rd labor and delivery. I was able to have my 3rd child naturally in a hospital and have a wonderful experience. Thank you for all the advice. I would say that if anyone is ready for another labor, you should be! Blessings~

  14. I didn't read any pregnancy books the second time around either. :)
