
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Breech skills workshop in Indianapolis!

I am thrilled to announce a vaginal breech skills workshop coming to Indianapolis this July! Participants will perform and observe simulated vaginal breech deliveries with Canadian obstetrician J. Peter O'Neill and learn upright (hands & knees) breech techniques from Canadian midwife Betty-Anne Daviss. She will also be giving a free public lecture about upright breech birth on Saturday, July 16th.

Click on the images below to download the flyer & registration form (PDF).

Please circulate this to physicians and midwives who might be interested in updating their vaginal breech skills. Don't forget to take advantage of the early registration discount before April 15th.

I hope to see you there!


  1. I'm really happy for the people who will be able to go at this workshop.

    But one thing is not fair.Absolutely not fair.

    Why,with two Canadians who can teach the techniques,who are widely known for what they know and do.Howhy why it is not in Canada?

    I'm thrilled it is done!But I would be more if it was here.Breech birth is extremely few and far between here.Women are routinely denied a vaginal birth.Even a women I know,who had 2 babies vaginally,who would have no help after the birth and with a small baby.There is one doc doing breechs here.Only one in one million population.And she is doing "regular" obstetric at the same time.So breechs are a very small part of what she does.As for my friend,the 2 docs who tried to turn her baby refused to tranfer her care to that doctor.She had a csection at 37 weeks.The fact that now breechs are considered safe is not known.No one is aware of it.And as far a I know,nothing is done about it.

    So yes,I'm happy for this workshop.But at the same time I have a bad taste in my mouth.

    -A french-speaking Canadian

  2. Rixa, I do not have your email, but you want to know about today's sentencing of the Hungarian home birth doctor:

  3. Anon in Canada--

    How about organizing something like this in your community? That's what I did. It's not like this training workshop just fell into place by itself! I wanted more people to have breech training and when my midwife asked if I'd like to put together a breech skills workshop, I said "sure!"

    Sometimes you can't wait for things to happen--you have to go out and do them yourself.

  4. I just found out about this conference by "overhearing" a conversation on facebook and thus a google search.

    The Indiana Midwives Association might be a good place to start if you want midwives in the area to know about it.

  5. I contacted the IMA this morning--thanks for that reminder! I've also sent word out to other state midwifery associations nearby.

  6. I'm actually going to be in Indianapolis that week, but I don't think I have a reason to attend :(
    My SIL's sister just had a breech c-section. She lives in Toronto, was under the care of midwives and planning a hospital birth, I think. They tried to turn the baby which didn't work, but then apparently just went straight to c-section rather than letting her go into labour on her own, and there was NO talk about even trying a vag. birth. Canada might be a "leader" in this field, but it still takes a long time to trickle down to the masses.
    If it was just a short seminar or workshop or something, I'd attend, just for interest, but I'm not in the birthing industry at all so I can't justify the cost :(

  7. Just seconding what Rixa said about organizing such a conference in your area if it's something you'd be interested in seeing happen locally. The International Breech Birth Conference. If you're interested in learning how the members of the CBB went about organizing the conference without a lot of prior experience coordinating such events, I'm sure that one of the members would be happy to talk about the process. Email breechbirth AT

  8. The internet ate two of my sentences! The International Breech Birth Conference, as an example, was organized by women who had little to no prior experience planning such events, but simply felt strongly that vaginal breech birth can and should be encouraged.
    Hope that makes more sense now!

  9. ICAN in Vancouver is organizing a breech birth evening next month. We will be showing the movie " A breech in the system" followed by an open dialogue. We've invited midwives and doctors to attend as well as moms. I think it is important that moms who want vaginal breech births are vocal about it.

  10. hooray! my first flipped breech at 37 weeks and no one would even let me think about pushing her out. so frustrating. (and i was at a birth center with midwives. i had to transfer my care to the hospital for a c/s.) hopefully OBs/midwives can relearn breech birth techniques, so others won't have to do what i did! going for a vbac whenever i go into labor next month . . . so exciting to see this conference happening!
