
Saturday, March 05, 2011

Postpartum belly: 2 & 3 days after

2 days after giving birth
3 days after giving birth


  1. These are such a cool idea. I hope you'll post them as a series together at some point!

  2. I am a new reader and I love your blog, I think it is awesome what you are doing to educate everyone on childbirth. I am hoping for a VBAC in August and I have found your blog to be so helpful and informative. Congrats on your new little one, I just love the name Inga. You look great BTW!

  3. I love that you posted this because women need to be realistic about their postpartum bodies and not be surprised if they still need maternity clothes. But seriously, what are you doing on your feet? Shouldn't you be lying down? This is according to my midwife's advice. She strongly emphasized 3 days flat on your back with baby in bed, and for 5 days after that stay in jammies and don't leave the house. It's hard to do when you have other little ones to take care of, and when you feel great after a fantastic birth. I had trouble following her advice.

  4. Fantastic! Also pretty incredible -- it seems your milk has come in, and it's noticeable! :) Congrats again on lovely Inga.

  5. Oh yeah, milk is in with a vengeance! It's nice to have Dio--he's more than happy to help with the engorgement. I'm hoping to ramp up my supply anyway, because I want to pump & donate. If I can find a pump!

  6. Love these! You look like me and I am....2+ years postpartum ;) hahaha

  7. Gorgeous.

    I love you standing proud and beautiful with that new mama belly.

    Go mama!

  8. The incredible shrinking woman, I love it!
