
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Random man talks boobs

I was sitting on the front lawn of our new house (like, we just bought it yesterday new) nursing Inga. I had my V-neck shirt pulled down and was nursing "from the top." An unfamliar car pulled into our driveway and a middle-aged man stepped out. He looked at me and started approaching. I was thinking, who are you random man and why are you walking towards me?

I probably stared at him a bit too forcefully, because the first thing he said was, "I have five kids and my wife nursed all of them. So don't worry, I'm used to seeing breasts."

I had to laugh. That was the last thing on my mind. I was just trying to figure out who he was and why he was at our house. The fact that I had one breast exposed was a non-issue.

I replied, "Oh goodness, I wasn't even thinking about that, especially after three kids!"

It turns out he owns a millwork shop that specializes in crafting historic reproduction wood windows. I didn't want to replace our original windows--they're in great shape other than being painted shut--but I did need storm windows made. He can do that too. So I am glad that Mr. Random Man stopped by.

Speaking of our new house, we spent the day clearing brush & volunteer trees. Some friends stopped by to help, so the adults played with the chainsaw while the kids played hide-and-seek in the house. I got into some poison ivy, which is my nemesis. Eric and I are feeling more overwhelmed than elated as we realize how much work this house needs. But it will be such an amazing house once it's all done. 


  1. I'm so excited for you guys and the new house. What an adventure. When do you move in?

  2. It's worth it in end :) We bought ourselves a 66 year old project house, too, as our first home. Hope the ivy clears up soon!

  3. Sorry about the poison ivy. Burt's Bees has a Poison ivy/itchy cream that works well. Feel better soon.

  4. Hilarious! I had an old man come up to me once and THANK ME for breastfeeding in public. He said "them young girls need to see what them's for, not just for hanging a bikini on!" Haha!

  5. A line from A League of Their Own comes to mind: You think there are men in this country who ain’t seen your bosoms?

  6. Yay for keeping historic windows! I could go on and on about that subject, but it sounds like you're on the right track with storm windows. If you're looking for increasing your energy savings on your windows, I can't reccomend double or triple cell insulated blinds enough. We have the cordless top-down/ bottom-up kind, and they save us $20/ month on our heating bill (in or 1500 sq. foot house). I'll never buy another kind.

    (yeah, I went on and on)

    And yay for craftsmen who come to your house and don't blink at the normalcy of life :)

  7. Jealous, I want a chainsaw! LOL! I don't doubt it will be an amazing house, your last 2 were awsome, but you know as soon as it gets done you will likely move AGAIN! HAHA, hopefully to Washington! But really I am happy for you, and don't let it overwhelm you!
    I have to tell you I pulled a RIXA yesterday! We were at a place that was overcrowded and sitting next to me was a rather large man who was talking way to loud and annoying everyone around him with bad language. So I pulled one out and started nursing my baby and lo and behold the guy caught on to what I was doing and promptly fled the scene! As soon as he left I covered up and no one else seemed to mind! Score one for me!

  8. Replacement windows are an abomination.

    LisaJ, you are awesome! Way to go.

  9. I thought for sure that guy was going to be a new neighbor or something. When we moved in all the old timers in the hood dropped by to check us out. We bought their favorite hang out so it would turn out.

    We've got older windows whith storm windows too. That does seem to really help doesn't it! Though a couple of the storm windows seem to be missing and we probably need to get them replaced. We do have one window that won't open though...I've tried pounding the wood frame a bit and just shear muscle and can't get it up...any tips?

  10. You might have a stubborn paint seal. Use a tool called a windowzip/window zipper to break the seal of paint on both the inside and outside of the windows.

  11. I love stories like this...I guess you never know what people are going to say:)

  12. Great story. I love those nursing stories. Good memories for me, as my 5 kids are way past their nursing years. But I embraced it, nursed them until they were 2 --which caused many to question my mothering. Love it.
