
Monday, December 05, 2011

You're Doing It Wrong: Nursing Cover Edition

Thanks for your witty submissions for my nursing cover caption!

This one scored highest on my laugh-o-meter:

Close runner-up:


  1. I am in love with both of these. Whether or not you use a cover, you have to admit these are pretty funny. :)

    I have actually been having a lively debate on my facebook posts about covers/breasts/nursing. Great post. I am going to share.

  2. I WON! YAY! Thank you for giving me a venue to mock the backwards superhero capes. Your seal of approval is the finest contest prize I've ever won. :-)

  3. Ha ha! From now on I will think of this when I see a woman using one of the contraptions. The beautiful thing is, while I think the cover is silly, I still think she is a superwoman!

  4. In your original post, or somewhere in the comments, you say you are not attcking the women who use these. Now you are. You are belittling and mocking those who choose to be modest.

  5. Well, feel free to not laugh I guess. Your accusations are a straw man argument (I never said anything about modesty or lack of in these captions and not in my original post either). And honestly, the humor is directed squarely at this particular photo, which I find to be rather odd.

  6. Re: first anon--definitely agree that lactating women are all superheros no matter if the cape's on forward or backward :)

  7. Is your objective here to make fun of those who prefer to use a nursing cover or just this particular oversized one? It comes across as anti-nursing covers in general, especially given your recent posts. It doesn’t seem to me like a very effective way to promote breastfeeding—to marginalize those who choose to use nursing covers.

  8. Definitely making fun of this photo in particular. It's just so bizarre how the model is posed and looks kind of lost and confused.

  9. Hahaha! So funny!! I never realized why a mother would need an entire tent to be covered while breastfeeding. Can't a shirt cover what the baby is not? And maybe a burp cloth on hand to place over the breast in case baby pops off suddenly? It seems like a waste of material to make huge tents... I guess that depends on your bra size though. ;)

  10. I LOVE the second one! That's great.

  11. While I can understand feeling like closing out the caption contest once it had begun was a must, I really hope this will be the end of this particular topic for a while. There's too much good work to be done helping moms and babies to be alienating allies.

  12. I even occasionally USE a nursing cover, and I think these ads are ridiculous.

  13. Totally making fun of the adds not the women who choose to use the covers!
    BTW...women hands, neck, mouth are used just as much in sex as the breast if not why is it ok to go around with them uncovered continually but the breast can't even be exposed to nourish/comfort a baby?
    Love the super woman photo!!!

  14. I saw this and had to post here... I thought it was a joke at first/ it isn't!
