
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Upcoming conferences

I leave tomorrow morning for the Human Rights in Childbirth Conference in The Hague. I decided not to bring Inga. I'm nervous--more for myself than for her!--but feel it will be best to go alone. She has made huge changes from a baby to a toddler recently; she's more independent, more active, more strong-willed, more assertive of what she wants to do. I love to see her develop, but these news skills make it hard for conference-attending!

Don't forget to register for the webinar. Stand and Deliver winners receive close to 60% off the normal webinar price, and you can watch it live or any time in the following 30 days. Click here for more details.

I also wanted to alert you to the 3rd International Breech Conference taking place this November in Washington, D.C. There's a fantastic lineup of speakers from all over the world. Some highlights include Robin Lim (winner of CNN's 2011 Hero of the Year award), Dr. Frank Louwen of Germany (who has done hundreds of vaginal breech births in his Frankfurt clinic), and Jane Evans of England.

If you want to improve your breech skills and learn more about the newest research in vaginal breech birth, register now. The early-bird pricing is good through May 31, so act now. At only $75 for consumers, this is a fantastic price for an amazing conference. I'll be going and hope to see you there!


  1. BRING INGA. She misses me.

    But if it's just you, that's cool, too.

    I'm here. See you tomorrow. :)

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