
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Barbie has a home birth

Beach Birth Photography did a photo session of Barbie having prenatal visits, going into labor, giving birth, and breastfeeding. Love it!

Actually what I liked best was the implicit commentary on the trope of birth photography. You know...the tender moments captured between the woman and her husband, closeups on hands or hair or bellies, the midwife applying hot packs to the woman's sacrum, the alternations between color and black & white, the older sibling's excitement and awe. I don't know if it was meant to be a bit tongue-in-cheek, but I certainly read it as such.

Go take a look; I think you'll enjoy it!

(I'm super did the photographer make Barbie's pregnant belly?)


  1. They make pregnant barbies.

  2. I think it kind of looks like a yard eggshell.

  3. I think they do make a pregnant Barbie. And yes I do LOVE how they poked fun at birth photography (and since a birth photographer made the shots it's obviously a 'takes one to know one' type of thing!) with all the cliche pics!! I loved it!!!

  4. I love the family shot of Barbie nursing her newborn :D

  5. I agree with you about her poking a little fun at the classic birth shots. But where was the shot of the baby getting weighed in a ring sling? I was totally waiting for that!

  6. Ithought it was great but the photographer didn't usetheregular pregnant Barbie. I had her as a kid and the belly was no were as big and it had a line around it vertically because the belly snapped off and the baby was inside. This nust have been either a hand made prostetic that went all around Babies belly or photo shop. I kinda think the latter.
    But they were great photos! Very funny and cute!
