
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Some fun ads

This ad made me laugh. There are quite a few in the "First Kid, Second Kid" series, all quite clever.

For the record I cloth diaper 95% of the time. I use generic store-brand disposables when we're traveling.

I saw this ad for RONA tools when I was in Canada this summer. I love anything to do with power tools. The last two I bought were:

What are some of your favorite ads?


  1. definitely the diaper commercial! I love the "She's already ordered" so funny!

  2. Hi Rixa,
    Sorry to comment under a totally unrelated topic, but I couldn't find your contact info.
    I have two quick questions. I'm considering cloth diapering, was wondering your thoughts between fuzzibunz and bumgenius (snap version). Also, on a second note, on average, how many inserts and outer covers would a mama of 1 (later 2) would need?
    Thanks so much.

    1. FYI, my email is under the "about" tab.

      I've used fuzzibunz one-size diapers. I haven't ever used or seen the bumgenius snap version, just the velcro. Overall I think the bg are made well, but I just don't like how velcro eventually gives out. I'd suggest buying one of each and trying them out .

      I'd say 24-36 inserts and 6-8 covers in each size. I use the same inserts for all sizes (I have pocket diapers) and add extra washcloths or doublers as necessary. I have about 24 diapers of each size and wash every 2-3 days.

    2. I have a snap BG! I also have a bunch of FB, and I like bot equally! I LOVE the print on the black and white BG that has math equations on it and the phrase, "I'm a genius"--so cute!

    3. *BOTH*--I like them both equally. Typos. Sheesh.

  3. That luvs commercial is awesome, and so true!

  4. Haha, yes, love the Luvs commercial. I posted it to my FB earlier, it reminds me of me when my first was first born - fumbling with the stupid blanket. Haha. So glad I gave that up!

    The relay commercial is great. Haven't seen that one!
